This has nothing to do with Kaido, dude. You're bringing him into the topic. Am I wrong on any point in the topic? Their feats are crap, and that doesn't change for now, no matter how much you cry. Did you want me to write 30 lines in a topic, pretending that Imu is powerful and strong, lying to myself? Because Imu's abilities are just as bad as their actions suggest.
Totally lol, I completely believe you - this topic has nothing to do with Kaidou
Go back in time, when was Kaidou introduced? After the previous "Raid Boss", Doflamingo was defeated.
When is Imu, the immortal being who has ruled the world for 800 years, introduced? After Kaidou's defeat.
How does Doffy get defeated? We first meet & defeat his Subordinate (Vergo) an arc before before going on for Doflamingo.
How does Kaidou get defeated? We first meet & defeat his "Subordinate" (Doffy) right before Yonkou Saga starts, where Kaidou is the main villain.
And what's been written now? Nika v. Saturn, the Subordinate of Imu who gets defeated a few arcs/sagas before Imu's time as Final Villain comes.
But let's ignore all of that & microanalyze "FeAtS" from a Silhouette. Because that's what Oda cares about right?