Questions & Mysteries Why Oden gave his strongest sword to Hiyori instead of Momonosuke

Enma is overrated:

Zoro whilst attempting to tame Enma said: "Give it back to me" obviously referring to his general energy and also haki after his arm had shrunk in size. However I believe it's extensively unlikely that Enma is capable to permanently store these even if the user wished to, and eventually the energy would be converted to another form, and regardless Oden's arms were normal before he died. Kaido talks about presence, not even haki, and swords are living objects canonically, eventually Enma simply stored his memories, but that has to be proven later on.

Also I believe that the black blade is decidedly not about storing haki in the sword, but eventually render it particularly hard without storing it, since Zoro failed to cut up Monet.


It is the case. She even had to stay behind incase momo failed and died just so continue the kozuki bloodline.
This is by far one of the most cruel things. She couldn't come to the future with the others and stay behind almost all alone only as a mere surrogate.
Why oden gave his strongest sword enma to his hyiori that is not even a fighter, made by the legendary hitetsu and gave the other one to momonosuke?

It's like oden knew she will meet a strong swordman and marry him and give him her sword....
oden knew she will meet the man who will behead kaido :goyea: