Questions & Mysteries Why Zoro will lose Sandai and get a Supreme Grade Blade..

What is more likely?..

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If you have not noticed, in Zoro's flashback at the beginning of the series, Zoro's dream has 2 iteration before and after Kuina's
death.. Initially he says in Japanese that he wants to become the world number 1 strongest '' Master'' Swordsman.. The individual who
achieve such feat like Mihawk obtain 2 titles, the World Strongest Swordsman, and Grandmaster Swordsman.. Whenever you lose
the World Strongest Swordsman title, you keep your Grandmaster Swordsman title forever in History.. Now Zoro's 2nd dream iteration
after Kuina passed away and bolstered his resolves is that he swear this time to become the world number 1 strongest '' Grandmaster '' Swordsman..

This is very different than the original claim, it essentially means across all past, present and future Zoro desires to be the most
powerful Word Strongest Swordsman that ever lived.. With that said, you might believe that Mihawk is the strongest Swordsman that
ever lived and he could be but that's not point.. Mihawk's ambition is basically limited to being the King of all Swordsmen, whereas Zoro's ambition is a tier beyond, i would describe it as being the King of all Blades, or manga related a King among Kings, a Conqueror among Conquerors.. Does that remind of a certain scene?..

A Sword chooses its Wielder..

And.. A Great Grade Blade chooses a Conqueror, or a potential Conqueror.. A Supreme Grade Blade chooses a top Conqueror, or a Conqueror with potential of top Conqueror..

As we can witness the appendix of '' potential '' Conqueror with Zoro, Enma picked him and decided to test his strength to push his limits.. There's also the representation of a potential top Conqueror with Fujitora and his Supreme Grade Blade, Yakuza Kasen.. To be able to manipulate his Devil Fruit through his superior Blade, he must possess the Color of Conqueror's Haki and he has prospects of Fleet Admiral as he is the true counterpart to Akainu and not Aokiji, if we are to consider the Sengoku and Garp dynamic.. The Marines in fact have 2 Fleet Admirals level character in each Era..

Let me quickly repeat myself, every Supreme Grade Blades(bar Yoru) chooses a top Conqueror or in way to be, and as prime example of that we have the 2 most powerful Yonkos in the verse of a previous Era Roger and Whitebeard, respectively wielded Supreme Grade Blade Ace and Murakumogiri..

Then there's Shanks unknown Graded Blade who has no choice but to be a Supreme Grade Blade as well, as he's praised for his extraordinary Conqueror's Haki.. Even paying tribute to his old Captain Roger when he was a kid by integrating Kamusari to his Swordplay techniques.. It would be incredibly odd if Gryphon was not a Supreme Grade Blade, especially when Shanks CoC could be deemed second to Roger..

Everything points to Supreme Grade Blades choosing all Top Conqueror Haki Users..

So based on Zoro's colossal ambition and his destiny, it's inevitable that a Supreme Grade Blade will come on his path to choose him and vice versa.. Zoro himself is not aware that he too is seeking a Supreme Grade Blade as it's the single option available to accomplish the World Strongest Grandmaster Swordsman that ever lived who's name will be known even in Heaven..
Its weird that you didn't find something to downplay Mihawk or Zoro in one post.

OT: Most likely Shodai Kitetsu after beating Venus. Of all the swords the Kitetsus have been thr most important imo. While Wado was given for Zoros promise and Enma was swapped, it was Sandai which was chosen by Zoro. Zoro was also interested in Nidai but never got his hands on it even though I think he was offered in place of Enma. Now against clash with Venus, they both recognised the Kitetsu blades. Add in that Sandai Kitetsu was introduced at Loguetown, the starting point of the GL journey and the theme of dreams and destiny can be clearly seen. The sword chooses the weilder and Sandai chose not to harm Zoro when he put his luck against the curse. Either Zoro will win the Shodai from Venus and upgrade Sandai or another scenario is Zoro beating Venus and breaking Shodai with Sandai and establishing Sandai as the legendary and strongest of all Kitetsus. At this point I cant see Zoro changing any of his swords.
I was all in for Shodai in exhange for Sandai.

But later I found out Sandai is just a graded blade. Not even 50 grade sword.
Imo it's not properly ranked , due to the user dying early.

Cursed swords have a personlity and we havn't seen it yet in Sandai case. Maybe Nasujuro Fight will be Sandai Awakening properly of it's "Sharpness" it cuts more like enma but Enma does it with Haki draining. I don't know what Sandai case will be.

Enma absorbed Ryou , Sandai could absorb Advanced Conqueror.

Also another note being , Kitetsu series are infamous for being the most Cursed swords.

Sukiyaki , Crafted Ame no habakiri and Nidai Kitetsu , high possiblity he achieved a stronger sword like Sandai kitetsu which wad supposed to given to Shimotsuki Clan.

Because around the same time Enma was given to or soon will be given to Oden.

Consider it a exhange between two respectable clans and it was given zoro Grandmother which was passed down to Arashi. And he died fighting pirates and it somehow ended up in Loguetown.

To be honest every Zoro current sword can be linked to him as Shitmotsuki has a culture of giving their heir a sword at birth and same sword goes to their grave.
You two must have missed this @Blazing Lion @Cruxroux
Its not a Rootbeer thread without a downplay somewhere lol.

I kinda agree with Cruxroux that Sandai wasn't ranked fairly due to wielders failing and dying to bring out its full potential. Zoro's journey might be the one to rank Sandia/Wado/Enma higher than they are now.

and wtf is that poll @Rootbeer Aramaki has a black blade its confirmed by the color in his vivre card. I am not claiming he made it but its black.

As for Shanks he must have a supreme blade. Fix your poll so i can vote for both
You two must have missed this @Blazing Lion @Cruxroux
Its not a Rootbeer thread without a downplay somewhere lol.

I kinda agree with Cruxroux that Sandai wasn't ranked fairly due to wielders failing and dying to bring out its full potential. Zoro's journey might be the one to rank Sandia/Wado/Enma higher than they are now.

and wtf is that poll @Rootbeer Aramaki has a black blade its confirmed by the color in his vivre card. I am not claiming he made it but its black.

As for Shanks he must have a supreme blade. Fix your poll so i can vote for both
Damn how did I miss that, you sneaky dastard @Rootbeer
Its weird that you didn't find something to downplay Mihawk or Zoro in one post.

OT: Most likely Shodai Kitetsu after beating Venus. Of all the swords the Kitetsus have been thr most important imo. While Wado was given for Zoros promise and Enma was swapped, it was Sandai which was chosen by Zoro. Zoro was also interested in Nidai but never got his hands on it even though I think he was offered in place of Enma. Now against clash with Venus, they both recognised the Kitetsu blades. Add in that Sandai Kitetsu was introduced at Loguetown, the starting point of the GL journey and the theme of dreams and destiny can be clearly seen. The sword chooses the weilder and Sandai chose not to harm Zoro when he put his luck against the curse. Either Zoro will win the Shodai from Venus and upgrade Sandai or another scenario is Zoro beating Venus and breaking Shodai with Sandai and establishing Sandai as the legendary and strongest of all Kitetsus. At this point I cant see Zoro changing any of his swords.
It doesn't necessarily have to be Sandai Kitetsu, but Zoro has to lose one of his Blade and be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade.. And it can't be a Great Grade Blade achieving Supreme Grade Blade by being turned into a Black Blade because it wouldn't be a Supreme Grade Blade really choosing him.. Lets not kid ourselves, i'm not here to argue about it, but Yoru was a Great Grade Blade before being turned Black.. Mihawk is not a '' top Conqueror '', although through a divert route attained a speudo equivalent status.. The important part is Mihawk wasn't chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade, and if Zoro is to surpass Mihawk while also having Greater Dreams, he must be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade, there's no other way around..

I can't see Zoro losing any of his current Blades either, but he must, something is going to happen.. Else he will never be a top Conqueror..

As for Nidai it was very evident that it didn't want or choose Zoro, they came pretty close from one another..

I was all in for Shodai in exhange for Sandai.

But later I found out Sandai is just a graded blade. Not even 50 grade sword.
Imo it's not properly ranked , due to the user dying early.

Cursed swords have a personlity and we havn't seen it yet in Sandai case. Maybe Nasujuro Fight will be Sandai Awakening properly of it's "Sharpness" it cuts more like enma but Enma does it with Haki draining. I don't know what Sandai case will be.

Enma absorbed Ryou , Sandai could absorb Advanced Conqueror.

Also another note being , Kitetsu series are infamous for being the most Cursed swords.

Sukiyaki , Crafted Ame no habakiri and Nidai Kitetsu , high possiblity he achieved a stronger sword like Sandai kitetsu which wad supposed to given to Shimotsuki Clan.

Because around the same time Enma was given to or soon will be given to Oden.

Consider it a exhange between two respectable clans and it was given zoro Grandmother which was passed down to Arashi. And he died fighting pirates and it somehow ended up in Loguetown.

To be honest every Zoro current sword can be linked to him as Shitmotsuki has a culture of giving their heir a sword at birth and same sword goes to their grave.
Yeah, there must be an error or something, Sandai has to be at least Skillful Grade Blade level..
Well i think Sandai's personality is Ashura and it's Demonic Aura, but.. We won't see eye to eye there..

Nidai Kitetsu was by Sukiyaki's father Kotetsu..

What about the part that Zoro must lose one of his Sword and be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade..

You two must have missed this @Blazing Lion @Cruxroux
Its not a Rootbeer thread without a downplay somewhere lol.

I kinda agree with Cruxroux that Sandai wasn't ranked fairly due to wielders failing and dying to bring out its full potential. Zoro's journey might be the one to rank Sandia/Wado/Enma higher than they are now.

and wtf is that poll @Rootbeer Aramaki has a black blade its confirmed by the color in his vivre card. I am not claiming he made it but its black.

As for Shanks he must have a supreme blade. Fix your poll so i can vote for both
I refrained myself from speaking against Mihawk, but lets face it Mihawk was never chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade.. Kudos to him though for beating(tricking) the system and turning previous Great Grade Blade Yoru into a Black Blade Yoru Supreme Grade Blade..

Zoro ranking his Swords higher is not enough to become a Top Conqueror, he must be chosen by a true Supreme Grade Blade..

Technically, the vivre card colors could be wrong, they have been before.. I'm not saying Aramaki doesn't have a Black Blade, it's just to prove a point that even though Aramaki having a Black Blade is almost certain, Shanks having a Supreme Grade Blade is even more assured near guaranteed..

Nah Sandai is the first sword that Zoro actually earns (Wado was gifted to him) so if anything I want it to be the first one that he turns black (but most likely he will turn all 3 swords black at the same time)
Then you need to pick one, cause Zoro has to be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade to become top conqueror that is a tier above Mihawk..

World Strongest Swordsman that ever lived >> World Strongest Swordsman

There could be an unforeseen miraculous twist of fate where Zoro has to give back Wado Ichimonji.. He did require
to give Shusui back so there's a precedent..

More explanation please, i fail to understand..


Kitetsu Wanker
I do not think Sandai Kitetsu will be broken/swapped for another blade.
Zoro never obtaining a Supreme Grade is better writing.
Because forging Sandai Kitetsu into the strongest weapon in the world is the biggest flex.
It is also Zoro's most iconic sword due to that scene of how he obtained it.
And, personally, I like its design the most out of all the swords in the show.
I do not think Sandai Kitetsu will be broken/swapped for another blade.
Zoro never obtaining a Supreme Grade is better writing.
Because forging Sandai Kitetsu into the strongest weapon in the world is the biggest flex.
It is also Zoro's most iconic sword due to that scene of how he obtained it.
And, personally, I like its design the most out of all the swords in the show.
Then you don't believe that Supreme Grade Blades choose Top Conquerors, Roger, Whitebeard, Shanks, Fujitora.. And you don't think that Zoro will become a Top Conqueror since he won't be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade, is that correct?..
Zoro ranking his Swords higher is not enough to become a Top Conqueror, he must be chosen by a true Supreme Grade Blade..

Technically, the vivre card colors could be wrong, they have been before.. I'm not saying Aramaki doesn't have a Black Blade, it's just to prove a point that even though Aramaki having a Black Blade is almost certain, Shanks having a Supreme Grade Blade is even more assured near guaranteed..
I am not saying Zoro will rank the Swords. Sandai chose him right? what if it was a Supreme Grade but was never been given to a True Wielder which is why it was abandoned since all users died apparently. Its just an assumption so who knows.

As for Aramaki.. even the "official coloring" gave him a black blade lol

But yes i do agree that it is more likely Shanks has a Supreme Blade than Aramaki having a Black Blade he made/Or color error.
Stop the cap, i know you want Zoro to be the best CoC user ever in the series or something delusional like that.. And he can't be
that if a Born Supreme Grade Blade doesn't choose him..

I am not saying Zoro will rank the Swords. Sandai chose him right? what if it was a Supreme Grade but was never been given to a True Wielder which is why it was abandoned since all users died apparently. Its just an assumption so who knows.

As for Aramaki.. even the "official coloring" gave him a black blade lol

But yes i do agree that it is more likely Shanks has a Supreme Blade than Aramaki having a Black Blade he made/Or color error.
That would have been interesting, but Meitos are rated first and foremost on their sharpness and toughness, the quality of the steel itself.. So, Sandai Kitetsu's personality alone wouldn't have been enough to mismatch its Grade unfortunately..

I fully agree there, but i saw a few stubborn people claiming it's a sheath.. And who in the manga wielded a Blade without its sheath?..
It doesn't necessarily have to be Sandai Kitetsu, but Zoro has to lose one of his Blade and be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade.. And it can't be a Great Grade Blade achieving Supreme Grade Blade by being turned into a Black Blade because it wouldn't be a Supreme Grade Blade really choosing him.. Lets not kid ourselves, i'm not here to argue about it, but Yoru was a Great Grade Blade before being turned Black.. Mihawk is not a '' top Conqueror '', although through a divert route attained a speudo equivalent status.. The important part is Mihawk wasn't chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade, and if Zoro is to surpass Mihawk while also having Greater Dreams, he must be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade, there's no other way around..

I can't see Zoro losing any of his current Blades either, but he must, something is going to happen.. Else he will never be a top Conqueror..

As for Nidai it was very evident that it didn't want or choose Zoro, they came pretty close from one another..

Yeah, there must be an error or something, Sandai has to be at least Skillful Grade Blade level..
Well i think Sandai's personality is Ashura and it's Demonic Aura, but.. We won't see eye to eye there..

Nidai Kitetsu was by Sukiyaki's father Kotetsu..

What about the part that Zoro must lose one of his Sword and be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade..

I refrained myself from speaking against Mihawk, but lets face it Mihawk was never chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade.. Kudos to him though for beating(tricking) the system and turning previous Great Grade Blade Yoru into a Black Blade Yoru Supreme Grade Blade..

Zoro ranking his Swords higher is not enough to become a Top Conqueror, he must be chosen by a true Supreme Grade Blade..

Technically, the vivre card colors could be wrong, they have been before.. I'm not saying Aramaki doesn't have a Black Blade, it's just to prove a point that even though Aramaki having a Black Blade is almost certain, Shanks having a Supreme Grade Blade is even more assured near guaranteed..

Then you need to pick one, cause Zoro has to be chosen by a Supreme Grade Blade to become top conqueror that is a tier above Mihawk..

World Strongest Swordsman that ever lived >> World Strongest Swordsman

There could be an unforeseen miraculous twist of fate where Zoro has to give back Wado Ichimonji.. He did require
to give Shusui back so there's a precedent..

More explanation please, i fail to understand..

I simply like Sandai Kitetsu, it's my favourite Zoro's sword
That would have been interesting, but Meitos are rated first and foremost on their sharpness and toughness, the quality of the steel itself.. So, Sandai Kitetsu's personality alone wouldn't have been enough to mismatch its Grade unfortunately..

I fully agree there, but i saw a few stubborn people claiming it's a sheath.. And who in the manga wielded a Blade without its sheath?..
Yea well lets see what Oda does once Zoro vs Venus happens again. Because as it stands the blades have crossed and both commented on each others blade so a future encounter must happen for the same Blades.

a Sheath.. LOL well sure yea we have seen movies/series/manga other fictions with characters not using sheath but this is clearly how Oda draw a Sword Pattern. If it turns out to be a sheath then lol.