Future Events Will Imu target the Egghead Marines?

Probably Imu doesn't want any witness of Saturn's death (they made sure Cobra is dead after he saw Imu). Egghead Vice Admirals may wonder how come healthy Saturn that just attacked Doberman, is suddenly dying, what or who is behind this? For first time, they can start assuming there is higher figure than the Gorosei. Higher figure that gives the Gorosei power.

And the target can include Kizaru, because Imu has no way of knowing who are really there witnessing Saturn's death. He doesn't know Kizaru wasn't there when Saturn died. So whole Egghead marines will be cleansed.
While Vice Admirals are always portrayed as jobbers and not really important characters, if Imu really targets Kizaru, it's gonna be a problem. We know Kizaru is pretty close to Navy Leader Akainu, Akainu even apologized to him about Kizaru's failure in Egghead. This might be trigger of internal conflict among Akainu and the Navy vs Imu and his Gorosei and Holy Knights.

@JoNdule @Elder Lee Hung @ZenZu @Paperchampion23 @dirtyLarry @nik87 @Kizaruber Eats @MonsterKaido etc.
Probably Imu doesn't want any witness of Saturn's death (they made sure Cobra is dead after he saw Imu). Egghead Vice Admirals may wonder how come healthy Saturn that just attacked Doberman, is suddenly dying, what or who is behind this? For first time, they can start assuming there is higher figure than the Gorosei. Higher figure that gives the Gorosei power.

And the target can include Kizaru, because Imu has no way of knowing who are really there witnessing Saturn's death. He doesn't know Kizaru wasn't there when Saturn died. So whole Egghead marines will be cleansed.
While Vice Admirals are always portrayed as jobbers and not really important characters, if Imu really targets Kizaru, it's gonna be a problem. We know Kizaru is pretty close to Navy Leader Akainu, Akainu even apologized to him about Kizaru's failure in Egghead. This might be trigger of internal conflict among Akainu and the Navy vs Imu and his Gorosei and Holy Knights.

@JoNdule @Elder Lee Hung @ZenZu @Paperchampion23 @dirtyLarry @nik87 @Kizaruber Eats @MonsterKaido etc.
he wont he needs the military might 9 Vice-Admirals and a admiral arent easy to replace in face of battling joyboy again
Iirc Imu even nuked Lulusia just because Sabo who saw him earlier, was hiding there.

he wont he needs the military might 9 Vice-Admirals and a admiral arent easy to replace in face of battling joyboy again
Well Saturn quickly attacked Doberman after he asked about Vegapunk's speech. And Gorosei don't have problem mocking Akainu earlier. It seems Imu and Gorosei don't see the Navy highly.

If Imu wanted to do It quietly, he could ha easily waited for Saturn to return Marijoa.
Kinda shows Imu's incompetence. Celestial Dragon blood acts like impatient child and wants to get their wish completed asap.
He doesn't know when is the right time to strike, unlike how Blackbeard operates in his career.
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I can maybe see someting for the VA, but not for Kizaru anyway.
It's all or nothing imo.
Either Imu won't target the Egghead Marines at all, and Oda pretends the Marine doesn't see Saturn's death.
Or Imu targets them all, includes Kizaru. Because how does he know Kizaru wasn't there when Saturn was killed? Even if he knows, no guarantee those VAs don't report it to Kizaru, or Kizaru might question why those VAs are suddenly eliminated while he is spared alone.
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I feel that killing Saturn right off the bat was a bad move, Imu should've waited for his return to Mary Geoise... it might motivate a rebellion of the Egghead's Super Buster Call forces, especially after Doberman got eye diffed by questioning Saturn.

Then, there's also the global flooding revelation. It might generate a lot of internal trouble, even an Absolute Justice believer like Doberman is starting to ask questions... as we saw in Marineford, most marines have families waiting for them in islands around the world, I doubt that most of them will be okay with it.
Well Saturn quickly attacked Doberman after he asked about Vegapunk's speech. And Gorosei don't have problem mocking Akainu earlier. It seems Imu and Gorosei don't see the Navy highly.
Yes but I dont think that Doberman died either its just intimidating the rest to not ask questions
Probably Imu doesn't want any witness of Saturn's death (they made sure Cobra is dead after he saw Imu). Egghead Vice Admirals may wonder how come healthy Saturn that just attacked Doberman, is suddenly dying, what or who is behind this? For first time, they can start assuming there is higher figure than the Gorosei. Higher figure that gives the Gorosei power.

And the target can include Kizaru, because Imu has no way of knowing who are really there witnessing Saturn's death. He doesn't know Kizaru wasn't there when Saturn died. So whole Egghead marines will be cleansed.
While Vice Admirals are always portrayed as jobbers and not really important characters, if Imu really targets Kizaru, it's gonna be a problem. We know Kizaru is pretty close to Navy Leader Akainu, Akainu even apologized to him about Kizaru's failure in Egghead. This might be trigger of internal conflict among Akainu and the Navy vs Imu and his Gorosei and Holy Knights.

@JoNdule @Elder Lee Hung @ZenZu @Paperchampion23 @dirtyLarry @nik87 @Kizaruber Eats @MonsterKaido etc.
It all depends if Imu actually heard Saturn blurting out "Imu!!!" in his final moments.

If Imu heard it, the VAs are getting nuked.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Probably Imu doesn't want any witness of Saturn's death (they made sure Cobra is dead after he saw Imu). Egghead Vice Admirals may wonder how come healthy Saturn that just attacked Doberman, is suddenly dying, what or who is behind this? For first time, they can start assuming there is higher figure than the Gorosei. Higher figure that gives the Gorosei power.

And the target can include Kizaru, because Imu has no way of knowing who are really there witnessing Saturn's death. He doesn't know Kizaru wasn't there when Saturn died. So whole Egghead marines will be cleansed.
While Vice Admirals are always portrayed as jobbers and not really important characters, if Imu really targets Kizaru, it's gonna be a problem. We know Kizaru is pretty close to Navy Leader Akainu, Akainu even apologized to him about Kizaru's failure in Egghead. This might be trigger of internal conflict among Akainu and the Navy vs Imu and his Gorosei and Holy Knights.

@JoNdule @Elder Lee Hung @ZenZu @Paperchampion23 @dirtyLarry @nik87 @Kizaruber Eats @MonsterKaido etc.
This is an excellent point man, thanks for the tag. I've been thinking about this a lot and how it should have caused a HUGE schism or "civil war" in the Marines. I expected Imu to somehow nuke Egghead after the Gorosei leave or have them wipe out all witnesses including Marines, leave no survivors and effectively buster call the place themselves but better.

If Doberman had died, had his head blown up properly, this could have really sparked more of a brutal wake up call for the loyal dogs in the Marines especially and all of them present and the rest to find out too regardless ofc. Did Kizaru witness what happened to Doberman, he didn't did he? His reaction would have been most important and curious, especially if he knows the Gorosei are prone to doing stuff like this or this is a first for him to see and find out about? (My memory is awful so Ive forgotten the chapter somewhat already lmao.)

Ironcially I thought Kizaru might be the most loyal Admiral to the WG, the "holy light knight" or whatever, hence his enigmatic personality, motives, allegiances and thus it ties into him being associated with science and why he was with Saturn on the way to Egghead, but that clearly was ALL wrong post Egghead now ofc.

He's obviously still loyal to the WG but he's def gonna be heavily conflicted and scarred, a guy who prefers to be more laid back and not take things seriously unless he absolutely HAS to or if its extremely personal to him like Kuma, Bonney and Vegapunk ofc is now being forced to choose a side and do stuff he would never want to do and he's picked his side but he's already regretting it too I'm sure. It's gonna eat away and haunt him, the "yellow monkey" showed cowardice in this arc and yellow is the colour of cowardice too, hence why he doesn't have CoC too blatantly.

If he had fed Luffy, that would have helped a lot too but he blatantly didn't then sadly.

I am surprised too, because wasn't it said, all lower than Vice Admiral Marines should not witness and know of the true forms of the Gorosei? I would have no rank lower than Admirals knowing about the true forms of the Gorosei and especially Imu, but I would limit it to just the Fleet Admiral and Kong instead honestly. God forbid if Kong will ever be relevant but maybe when the WG is finally in the focus as the enemy directly with the Revolutionaries, Holy Knights, Current Gorosei etc ofc.

Idk why Imu lets the other Gorosei off when they all failed hard too.

I'm disappointed in Akainu being such a loyal dog too and not being mad over Vegapunk's reveals/message but maybe Kizaru might have more conflict with Akainu over what happened at Egghead and what they know now BUT Akainu did seem to respect Kizaru's anger and pain, his emotional outburst and surprisingly relented and let him talk and just listened.

Maybe, him and Kizaru will have a deep talk and they will decide what to do, maybe Akainu will start to understand Fujitora's atitude and actions more and thus this will harbour more animosity between him and Green Bull ironically, when Green Bull is his biggest fan/sycophant ofc.

If Imu tries to get rid of Kizaru, I am certain that will be the breaking point for Akainu to snap and rebel, to do a military coup. Its totally in his nature ofc.

I am really interested to see where Oda goes with this. Akainu has had major conflicts with 3 of his Admirals now at least including ex Admiral Kuzan ofc and Green Bull so far has defied his orders and done his own thing, despite being such an Akainu worshipper apparently.
I think Akainu and Green Bull will butt heads over something down the line, maybe even what happens with this aftermath of the Egghead incident, the situation with Garp as a Blackbeard hostage or something else like whatever happens at Elbaf for example.
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IIRC when Akainu spoke to the Gorosei, he seemed to realise or imply he knew there was someone in charge above them, that they werren't the true head honchos?

Doflamingo implied the same when he was ordered to kill Moria too.

Iirc Imu even nuked Lulusia just because Sabo who saw him earlier, was hiding there.

Well Saturn quickly attacked Doberman after he asked about Vegapunk's speech. And Gorosei don't have problem mocking Akainu earlier. It seems Imu and Gorosei don't see the Navy highly.

Kinda shows Imu's incompetence. Celestial Dragon blood acts like impatient child and wants to get their wish completed asap.
He doesn't know when is the right time to strike, unlike how Blackbeard operates in his career.
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It's all or nothing imo.
Either Imu won't target the Egghead Marines at all, and Oda pretends the Marine doesn't see Saturn's death.
Or Imu targets them all, includes Kizaru. Because how does he know Kizaru wasn't there when Saturn was killed? Even if he knows, no guarantee those VAs don't report it to Kizaru, or Kizaru might question why those VAs are suddenly eliminated while he is spared alone.
I feel that killing Saturn right off the bat was a bad move, Imu should've waited for his return to Mary Geoise... it might motivate a rebellion of the Egghead's Super Buster Call forces, especially after Doberman got eye diffed by questioning Saturn.

Then, there's also the global flooding revelation. It might generate a lot of internal trouble, even an Absolute Justice believer like Doberman is starting to ask questions... as we saw in Marineford, most marines have families waiting for them in islands around the world, I doubt that most of them will be okay with it.
Aye I agree with these, Imu has come off as very irrational, nuking Lulusia to try to get rid of Sabo, like using a "cannon to hunt a rabbit" as Mihawk would say or a cannon to swat a fly or something. Setting your house on fire to get rid of a spider etc.

Sending all the Gorosei to Egghead, Saturn and the others using their true forms or Zoan forms or w/e they are, Imu killing Saturn in front of the Vice Admirals (I remember know, it was just Saturn and the New World Vice Admirals only right? On a ship?) is really reckless of Imu.

I hope this ties into Akainu and Kizaru losing faith/loyalty in the WG but I fear with how good natured Kizaru is too, he might die as a sacrifice or be killed too regardless.
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You make a lot of assumptions with barely any basis to them.
What makes you think Imu can target anyone other than the Gorosei?
The first thing any Marine present would assume is that the SHs/Vegapunk did something to Saturn that made him die.
This is the most logical reaction to the events. Oda could easily go down a completely irrational route too though.
If Imu heard it, the VAs are getting nuked.
At best it would raise some questions. They could not piece anything together from 1 word alone.
They also just witnessed someone they thought of as untouchable die in front of them. Realistically, most would not even pick up on what he blurted out before exploding into startdust.
Imgine yourself watching your superior die and he says "Golb". Would you really think "hey wait a minute, is that maybe the name of his boss?!?!?"


Lazy is the way
People are interacting with the Gorosei so they know that maybe in the past some were replaced and « died », some joined and that they lived for centuries and supposed immortal

So Marines etc know the Gorosei are specials and kind of gods or demons
And they likely know that some can get replaced or new one can be appointed

But they don’t know the mechanism and they don’t know Imu is behind that

So I don’t think it’s necessary at all to kill them all for secrecy

We know the Gorosei weren’t there 800y ago