Versus Battle WorstGen’s Second Annual (???) Great General’s Tournament: Winner’s Bracket, Round 3

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I'm surprised Lee Hung wasn't one of the guys pushing one Yonko = Navy + Warlords
That sounds sane to some of his Kingdom takes

You too kinda bought into the Ji Gag = Moubu crack take didnt you
To be clear I never said Jiaga = Moubu, I said their brute strength could’ve been comparable the same way Kaishibou and Bananji had brute strength comparable to Renpa. Which has yet to be definitively proven or disproven for the record. It could still be very possible depending on what feats Kansaro and Gakushou (Jiaga’s martial inferiors) show. Lol

@Elder Lee Hung how serious is your Earl Shi > Houken take I need to know

I don’t think I’ve ever said Earl Shi > Houken, lmfao

I said Earl Shi can slay Houken, in the same way Houken/Moubu/Kanmei/Man’U/Renpa and others probably can. All of them are inferior warriors to Houken but all of them have the weight to arguably clutch out a win against him.

I hold Shi Ei in that regard, particularly after he lost Kika and Hara basically hyped him as an unstoppable berserker briefly

If it’s this Shi Ei no one would be safe from him, in the same way no one would be safe from the Ouki who lost Kyou (IE Houken) lol

I don’t even think that should be a controversial take. Lol
@Elder Lee Hung it’s a fact that Ouhon’s spear surpassed Shi’s in all aspects, with brute strength being equal
Shukai Ouhon gets ragdolled worse than Kyoukai by Houken

You can’t compare actual goats like Ouki and Kanmei with Shi, he’s most certainly not that guy lol

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
TO BE FAIR I’m more inclined to believe Houken blitzing 10 Shis than Shi slaying Houken
It is just impossible lol
Why lol?

Is your argument that Houken is just above everyone? Or that Shi Ei is just that much weaker than guys like Ouki and Renpa? Because Renpa and Ouki don’t even have a fraction of the martial hype Earl Shi has, Shi Ei was hyped as the best spear in all China while neither Ouki nor Renpa can say the same for the Glaive.

In terms of speed, Shi Ei seemed like a hundred times faster than every Glaive weilder Ouhon has fought, which would include multiple characters said to be Renpa’s equals by credible sources. Lol

@Elder Lee Hung it’s a fact that Ouhon’s spear surpassed Shi’s in all aspects, with brute strength being equal
Erm, no it’s actually not and I have literally no idea where you got this from? Lmfao