Character Discussion Zoro’s sudden dislike of fighting women

The worst part about that whole shit is that in the same arc Luffy beat the living out of a Non fighter skinny scientist who's around the same level as Monet, literally the only difference between Monet and Caesar is that one has a penis which is apparently enough for Oda to be all icky about it

Caesar the non fighter

Pretty sure getting slept by Monet in round one would mean destroying her in round two for Zoro.

Monet was fighting Zoro with a toothpick

Yet Monet praised Tashigi’s strength

But fought Zoro with a toothpick :josad:

Low how well Zoro with the aid of the sturdiest and mightiest blades in the world are holding up against the toothpick
You mean ice pick rofl. A giant ice pick. Not only are they different things, but it's very possible that more people have died by way of a regular sized ice pick in the last forty years than they've actually been cut down by a katana. In any case he took zero damage. Luffy got beat up by donuts, Sanji struggled with noodles, Nami and Chopper got shredded by hair, Usopp was dragged by boogers... you get the idea.
What do you mean sudden? Wasn't he always hesitate to cut down a female character?
He didn't even cut any female characters with his sword back in whiskey peak arc
But almost destroyed Miss Monday's head.
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You are pushing it too far.
The manga has shown several female characters being superior to make characters. Big Mom being one is even a top on the same level as Kaido.

Zoro has expressed restraint in attacking people significantly weaker than him. He even decided not to cut half naked men who had no weapons.

Oda's portrayal to me has been fine. Nowhere will you find men and women being absolutely equal in everything
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Do people actually expect Oda to draw Zoro or (insert male character) mauling a significantly weaker female character.
Like instead of M1 mauling Zoro, Nami should be inserted there to take those that something you guys want to see to fill some deluded notion of "equality"?
Worse, make Zoro maul Miss Doublefinger. Cruzes.
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Obviously Sanji has rubbed off on Zolo, without him he would still be a wife-beating brute and probably would have punched Nami or Robin sooner or later being on a ship with them for 2+ years
Obviously Sanji has rubbed off on Zolo, without him he would still be a wife-beating brute and probably would have punched Nami or Robin sooner or later being on a ship with them for 2+ years
He doesn't have to be a "wife beating brute" but without Sanji he would take female fighters seriously. Or replace Sanji with a Toma Kamijou wannabe cook who fights men and women alike.
So he respects women so much he wont fight women if he sees them as weak but doesn't matter how weak a man is? Idk but that doesn't sound like respect to me

Also wano doesn't really respect women
  1. Kuina's father put into her head that women can't be master swordsman and can't even compete with men. Something zoro disagreed with
  2. First time we met kinemon he was telling nami how she dressed and spoke wasn't appropriate
  3. The most respected woman in wano was komurasaki aka hiyori for nothing but being a pretty quite women
Wanos pretty sexist tbh
1. There were some cases where women fought men, like Yama vs Robin, Luffy vs Alvida, Kaido vs Yamato, Hotori Kotori twins vs Nami, Sai vs Baby 5, the aforementioned Zoro vs Monet, etc. Hell, even Bellamy refused to hurt Nami but was ok with hurting Luffy and Zoro.
2. Because in Wano, women needs some modesty. Unlike Nami, Robin, Kalifa, Monet, Ain, and Bacarrat.
3. She's more modest than Hancock.