Ive seen the coloring to that panel looks like the lighting coc strike that hits the bbp is green colored which is zoro s color for coc
I was wrong ,zoro has coc and acoc
I was wrong ,zoro has coc and acoc
All instances of people asking zoro if he’s using conquerors are definitely weird regardless but the way I see it
1. Brook as zoro if he used conquerors with that setting up him getting it during the arc. It insinuating zoro is the type of person that seems like one

2. Kaido asks zoro if he used conquerors after he cut and scarred him. That imo implying zoro can already physically effect things with his will. That essentially being what conquerors is and while he might not have specifically used conquerors haki asura might be will given shape. It making sense as to why kaido was confused
That insinuating that zoro will be able to attack with actconquerors

3. King not asking zoro if he has conquerors but what type of conqueror he wants to be after bp fodder gets knocked out. So he definitely should have it. Him unlocking it because enma and him wanting to be the king of hell like enma is hella lame tho ngl

At the very least zoro’s vivre card hinted at and asked if is one I guess. More than you can say for a lot of other characters
If he somehow doesn’t actually and oda decides to somehow use it to wank enma and/or oden farther the man idk

Zoro having it is better for me tho because it opens up the gates for the east blue crew to all be actual conquerors themselves. As funny as enma, germa, hammer, and Zeus conquerors sounds it’s lame lol
Besides the zoro related reason that he has is Zoro should have it because I’m pretty sure ryuma had it, oden had it, and luffy needs more crew conquerors to prove the greatness of his crew