Zoro fans being dunked on by Youtubers now

LMAO This is the biggest ownage in the history of mankind. Its so over man LMAO. If I were a Moronoaboi, I'd either stop jacking off to him or leave the manga because its an absoulte abomination. ZKK is the epitome of shamelessness and anyone that even thought of it happening is beyond hope irl.


Kitetsu Wanker
LMAO This is the biggest ownage in the history of mankind. Its so over man LMAO. If I were a Moronoaboi, I'd either stop jacking off to him or leave the manga because its an absoulte abomination. ZKK is the epitome of shamelessness and anyone that even thought of it happening is beyond hope irl.
You willpower isnt strong enough to be a Moronoaboi, Keko-chan.
And ZKK is peak fiction, far, far better than what Oda came up with.


Kitetsu Wanker
And Zorobois will always say that One Piece is trash when it is obvious that Oda did not make Zoro strength will stay lesser than Luffy
Oda always made Zoro's strength above Luffy's.
That has nothing to do with ZKK.
Wano's conclusion is far worse than what ZKK expected.
People can pretend that it isnt true but we all know that it is the lamest conclusion of any arc.
And even people who work closely with Oda arent even hiding their disappointment.
Who genuinely believes Zoro's gonna betray the crew wtf?

This is far worse than ZKK, at least ZKK had some arguments... But there were also many which made no sense - for example the dragon argument. Why should Oda draw connections to several Zoro opponents, heck even his EOS opponent which makes no sense, just to slay a Yonko in the mid-series arc?
And what's up with the Zoro-Link argument? (Okay, this one kinda goes off topic) Link slays way more enemies than a dragon. There are also so many Link reincarnations who slayed lots of monsters... The new iteration of Link isn't even a pure swordsman anymore (or he kinda is? Previous Links also used many gadgets/other weapons like the hammer or hookshot, bows as well and BotW Link always carried a single weapon in flashbacks, the Master Sword). I'd rather say Link is a Boar slayer (bcoz of Ganon). Zoro was drawn as Link because both are just swordsmen.

I also remember how some people legitimate thought Zoro's gonna randomly die in Wano lol. This is another level of stupidity.