Chapter Discussion Zoro saved the crew

Shaping up to be great captain.

Captain's job is to run the crew and make smart decisons.

Luffy obviously isn't capable of doing them.
None of the great captains actually run their crews, it's the right hands that do so. A few example include Rayleigh and Roger, Marco and Whitebeard, and Beck and Shanks.

The captains are usually the dreamers and strongest on the crew, they leave the logistics to the right hands.
None of the great captains actually run their crews, it's the right hands that do so. A few example include Rayleigh and Roger, Marco and Whitebeard, and Beck and Shanks.

The captains are usually the dreamers and strongest on the crew, they leave the logistics to the right hands.
Umm actually Roger is shown making plenty of smart decisions, he is the one who came up with the plan to read poneglyphs, to beg Whitebeard to give him Oden and Shanks seems pretty smart himself.

Luffy probably didn't even know what a damn poneglyph is until he met Nico Robin lol

Having level headedness and critical thinking skills is one of the biggest qualities of a leader and that's something Luffy doesn't have.
Yeah imagine going to navy hq with chopper lanji nami usopp against 4 admirals and seraphims that could wipe the entire crew in seconds(zoro luffy not included)
Zoro carries this pathetic crew

@Nidai_Kitetsu @MarineHQ @MonsterKaido @nik87 @Swordtaker @Chrono @Tobi @HA001 @ShishioIsBack @Marimo_420 @Gol D. Roger @TheAncientCenturion @ConquistadoR @Shanal @Peroroncino etc
The Admirals definitely aren’t around. Akainu and Kizaru at most. Seraphim are at sea. This would actually be the perfect time to attack since the marines are so rattled and weak
Zoro just chicken out, and you zorostans just can't admit it, remember when he tried to attack Celestial dragon in sabaody?
good times, no power up, no timeskip trainiung shit, not thinking about Marines and admirals threat

now that they beat a yonko's, with luffy having the best mythical fruit. most of them having power upgrades
His Balls are no where to be found. :kayneshrug: