So through his swords Zoro carries on the wills of multiple people

For example enma carries on the wills of Kozaburo the man that forged it and oden the man that wielded it. Enma choosing zoro to be the one to inherit those will
While not directly it’s also tied hiyori as well through odens will in a way. With it being the sword she was supposed to inherit

Wado like enma was also forged by Kozaburo so it also carries on his will. Tho imo both were forged with different intentions in mind. Him likely making enma with the thought of making it as strong as possible to cut down strong opponents but making wado with the thought of it being used to protect his family
Which is why wado’s personality isn’t nearly as dangerous to enma. Probably the same thought process sukiyaki had when making habakiri for his son
Besides Kozaburo wado more importantly to zoro carries in the will of kuina. Probably koushirou too to an extent since he was also likely the previous user

As for sandai we know it was forged by sukiyaki and was given to him by Tashigi and ipponmatsu
Tho it’s just a theory I like to imagine sandai previously belonged to zoro’s father arashi before he was killed by pirates. With it probably supposed to be passed down to zoro by his mother before she died probably. Since it’s sword seems to be tied to an important woman in Zoro’s life
We’ve seen oden’s soul play a direct role in the story with his will being passed on through the scabbards and enma
With us out of wano and zoro not anywhere near hiyori or kaido idk if odens will in the blade will play a role again but maybe idk

Maybe we’ll also end up kuina’s soul somehow play a role in Zoro’s fight with mihawk because he’s the wss obviously. Maybe even shiryu if he’s a serious contender for the title for zoro. If either has tied to kuina’s dad it’d be cool imo

We don’t know who actually killed Zoro’s father but if they ever end up being relevant in any way it’d be cool to see sandai react to them
Maybe like how brook has mastery to manipulate his soul maybe zoro will be able master and manipulate the souls embedded into the blades