General & Others Zoro was the only worst gen member to not hurt Kaido

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Kitetsu Wanker
CoA Defense = Invisible Armour & Hardening.

All I am saying is Luffy is the only one with Internal Haki thus far and seem like the only one who is capable of damaging Kaido from the inside which would be pivotal to his final defeat. That was the whole point of his training.
How exactly do you see Zoro defeating Kaido ????
Easy, by cutting him into pieces. Should be clear in next chapter when he cuts him.
All I am saying is Luffy is the only one with Internal Haki thus far and seem like the only one who is capable of damaging Kaido from the inside
stabbing a sword into his body seems pretty internal to me.
we have seen Kiku, Kin, Kawamatsu, Ashura and Kyoshiro do this.

Kin can stab Kaido.
Kin would not dare to touch Enma with a 10 feet pole.
Zoro is able to fight with Enma without dying.
Zoro is clearly stronger than Kin.

this is not even up for debate anymore. Zoro can and will cut Kaido.

you guys expected Zoro to decapitate Kaido on first try?!?
That is some shitty ass logic. This sounds like an argument that Sanji fans would use to compare him to Zoro :josad:
“Oda won’t make Sanji look worse than Zoro” Sound familiar? Lol
What a stupid comparison lamo. Oda loves Zoro way more than Sanji and he is the 2º in the crew without a doubt, so there is no way this argument can be used since from the start Sanji is below.
So it's the opposite, if Sanji does something good, Oda won't make Zoro look worse.
So kaido screaming in pain and kaido grinding his teeth for killers neck attack isn’t pain. Stop the cap already Jesus
I’m not Jesus and Kaido is laughing the entire time.

Are you saying Law dropping a Rock on top of Kaido actually hurt him? Kaido wasn’t damaged from Luffy’s Kong organ and you think a rock hurt him?

TF are you on?
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