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"Enma is not a PU and it's Zoro's own strength"...
- Zoro cries out for Enma to give him power cuz he couldn't cut Kaidou.
- Odens spirit stayed in the sword as kawamatsu said, it is what makes samurai powerful and what gives them power to defeat their enemies. Kaidou feels Oden in the sword.
- Literaly a magical sword with it's own will.

Zorofans: nO nO zOrO wOuLd Be As StRoNg WiTh AnY oThEr SwOrD aS wItH eNmA!
every sword carries the previous owner's will
literally stated by kawamatsu
you just have to be a better reader


@PizzaBread already answered you guys:

Kaido saw Oden's Ryuo in the Scabbards as well. Beyond that, he fought Oden using Enma. Every sword has its own unique aura, and if Enma is one of only two blades to give Kaido his lone scar, it's no surprise that Kaido would remember it.

Man, I don't understand the fuss over Kaido recalling the last wielder of Enma. People recall Shanks/Roger when they see Luffy's Strawhat all the time. I don't understand how people are suddenly trying to distort this into some kind of powerscaling statement.
  • Enma stored Oden's haki.
  • Enma has special secret powers.

Both of the above conclusions are unwarranted from Kaido remembering the previous wielder of Enma when he is attacked with the blade. The same way people being reminded of Shanks/Roger in Luffy is no powerscaling statement.

The level of jumping to conclusions and general insanity going on here is apalling. You don't need to torture a scene of Kaido recalling the last wielder of a weapon to push your agenda regarding Enma being a power up or Kaido hurting Zoro only due to Enma. I've said that I think Enma is a power up, but it's sure as hell not because Kaido was reminded of Oden when Zoro attacked him with Enma.
Different cases

Coz when he remembered Oden , he was attacked directly (his body was attacked dby retainers or luffy)

He didnt remember Oden but felt /sensed Oden in enma when Zoro cut boro breath)

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
so 2 of them are not doing any thing one has used his strongest attack and its done nothing
so killer aint the one whose gonna open kaido up
none of them did much then cept red roc
beating kaido means nothing its about killing him or he will recover
sword and will to take his head
Don’t even bother replying to Chrolol.
Oda is holding zoro back still
Fight just began
How can anyone be excited for this fight knowing no matter what Luffy will tank it bcs rubber or haki i guess?
It will be a shitshow of durability feats sincr Luffy went from 12 hours of getting his ass kicked by Katakuri that also used fire attacks, to being 1 shotted by Kaido and now tanking shit left and right

Honest to god Oda, just make it a bit tense, keep ys in suspense a bit
He didn't tank thunder bagua. Stop crying already.
Gamma Knife ignores durability. It just enters your body without leaving a scratch outside.

Then internal destruction Haki should also be ineffective, right? Gamma Knife is hax after all. I don't think radio activity can be tanked by just having hard enough tissue.
We might also have done a logical mistake, just came to mind.

Law´s slashes ignore durability, but something like Counter Shock does not. If we look at GK as similar to the latter, only on a higher level, it might still need to penetrate the skin and enter the insides before doing the damage to the insides. Meaning maybe GK is not ignoring durability of skin.
If so, Law beyond the slashes, is irrelevant vs Kaidou and Big Mom.
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