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In terms of spotlight and doing actual stuff in this fight, it's luffy > zoro > others, maybe Kidd and Law did more that wasn't revealed, let's see.
Attacking is doing actual stuff. Law and Kidd are doing actual stuff rn. Blocking an attack doesn’t mean your doing anything it just means your blocking. In the actual fight everyone else so far is doing more
When it gets serious Zoro and Sanji get Kaku and Jabra while Luffy goes for a Lucci that needs to be stopped or he will murder the whole crew. That's the most serious anything can get in terms of power levels: the class of versus you receive.
No because Zoro destroyed Kaku with Ashura, in a single hit while it took two diable Jambe hits to beat waeker Jabura.

Ashura Zoro >> Kaku ~ DJ Sanji >> Jabura

And Zoro would destroy Lucci with Ashura, no matter what Luffy says.
True, he is human doctor and doesn't know where a dragons organs are :myman:
That's not it. It's just that his organs are humongous and more spread across his serpent body. Maybe he damaged them a bit but apart from that? I mean Law himself said he will destroy Kaido's body from within with his operations, so theoretically his ability should be able to do so.
When it gets serious Zoro and Sanji get Kaku and Jabra while Luffy goes for a Lucci that needs to be stopped or he will murder the whole crew. That's the most serious anything can get in terms of power levels: the class of versus you receive.
Sanji is washed by headliners + a Flying Six. Zoro is engaging with two Emperors. Do the math. Sanji ain't shit.
Sure, I will just follow the reasoning I always follow in this regard:

If Zoro is comparable to Luffy we've all wasted twenty five years of fighting potential with Zoro facing a second-class adversaries; awesome writing there, certainly. Unless, of course, the hierarchy is just like Lucci, Kaku and Jabra, as Oda made it obvious back then, and he will keep feeding this rivalry so the fandom increases its activity (which, again, is of economic interest for his business).

And let's get this right: I do think Zoro is stronger, but I find it highly unlikely that Oda has been working on their rivalry for so long (not only with gags but with actual versus of incredibly close enemies and all kind of hints, like Mohji and Cabaji) only for Zoro to be hugely stronger than Sanji and equal to Luffy. That's just inconsistent and makes zero sense from a writing point of view.

Then you had Oda straight-up comparing Luffy, Zoro and Sanji to Lucci, Kaku and Jabra in the most explicit ranking possible (the only ambiguity actually discussed the power difference between Kaku and Jabra, not Lucci). But certainly "feats" and "portrayal" are relevant here even though the first thing Oda does after timeskip is putting them both in a fighting contest with the Pacifista.

I'm sure Oda wants the community to believe Zoro is miles ahead Sanji and not very close, because that's the narrative he has been reinforcing and not the rivalry that fuels fandom activity to its highest.
Zoro mid diff Kaku. So your not making sense.
Sure Oda wants Sanji to be shown as Zoro's close in strength, that's why he had him be part of Supernovas, Worst Generation, said Sanji is equal to Zoro in 3 no 4 data books, have people mistake Sanji for Vice Captain, have them both fight equally, have a chapter titled World's Strongest Cook and Finder of all blue, Have Sanji fight two emperors with Zoro.

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