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there's some people who wank zoro too hard, is it just to make other fanbase to hate zoro or just troll? either way to me i smell conspiracy.. on other note, damn supernovas and kaido really are impressive to me they're taking a big W :steef:..

and for zoro downplayers go cried on the corner cause your blond boy is irrelevant in the grand picture..
people need to understand that it is Sanji who Admires Zoro and wants to compete with Zoro, it is because of this admiration that he wants to challenge and compare himself to Zoro every opportunity he gets, Zoro on the other hand while teasing Sanji when he gets the chance, he doesn't consider Sanji as rival strength-wise... he does consider Luffy as rival though but respects him as captain and doesnt challenge him :goyea:
He has

Purgatory Onigiri is the time skip variant of Onigiri

Theoretically it should be stronger than the Flying dragon slash

So Zoro is using a weaker technique than the one he used last chapter

The reason is obvious. He’s realized physical attacks don’t work so he pulled out a burning attack, the one with blue flames that obliterated Ryuma. It’s a weaker slash but it comes with burning effect.

It’s kind of interesting. Zoro is actually using tactics here. But of course we know, if he keeps holding back on that armament haki, he won’t get anywhere
I'm talking about what he may have learnt from WSS himself.
Isn't it strange the only thing he learnt from him is Coa at this point?
Law using gamma knife this early isn't a good sign for the Doffy squad. Chances are he'd show even stronger attacks in the fight
Why doesn’t Law personality switch Kaido with a Gifter and and this fight ends immediately?

Law Law Law, this man is just a walking plot device. Like do we know a reason why He can’t just pull out Kaido’s heart?
I'm talking about what he may have learnt from WSS himself.
Isn't it strange the only thing he learnt from him is Coa at this point?
I wouldn't shy away from saying he helped him master Ashura/his demon spirit. The main reason I say this is that against Kaku his spirit tried to manifest itself before zoro actually used Ashura. I'm also hoping he taught him a technique or helped him developed special ones
I'm talking about what he may have learnt from WSS himself.
Isn't it strange the only thing he learnt from him is Coa at this point?
I mean they have different fighting styles. It’s not like Luffy learned anything outside of Haki from Rayleigh either.

I guess Zoro revealing that he can copy fighting styles does add the possibility that he has a specific technique he copied from Mihawk but I think Oda would’ve had to foreshadow this for us to buy it. Like Zoro having fire powers pre time skip and saying he wants to learn Kin’emon’s move is the foreshadowing for him using it now

We don’t have a scene where Zoro is so impressed by something mihawk dif that he wants to learn it. I mean if Zoro’s technique copying ability is confirmed as a special ability he learned from the humandrills then good, from their we can say Zoro now can copy whoever. But until that is confirmed as a thing Zoro can do, him having a different fighting style from Mihawk reduces the chances that he learned any techniques from him
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