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Man Big Mom literally put in Zoro's way or else he would have inevitably injured Kaido pretty badly. And don't forget Zoro saved Luffy's butt too in this chapter.
He didn't save anything, Luffy just showed he can tank Boro Breath.
If Zoro were to land his attack he certainly would be the mvp but he didn't therefore Luffy, Killer and BM are... But the future looks bright for Marimo in this fight.
Damn Kaido what a beast. For me, in this fight, it seems like Luffy is the most impressive fighter. He can dodge Kaido and BM and at the same time attacking them. He has more advantage than the others due to his haki and df.

Second is Zoro, I love the panel where he wants to cut Kaido and how he came to protect Luffy from Kaido. He looks so freaking badass there. Seeing BM and Kaido reaction towards Enma, we can see how dangerous that sword is. Oden presence is so strong in that sword, what a guy.

Law and Killer are equal for me. Law with his Gamma knife and I love how calm he is. Killer too really amazed me in this chapter like he's so damn active in this fight. Ngl he's more impressive than his captain at the moment lmfao
Luffy used fs but too late
Zoro got zapped
Thats why Luffy is pussed

Zoro isn't the MVp of this chapter

BM , Luffy and Killer are MVps
They basically did the most

Kaido only tanked but didntt hurt anyone
BM did the most
Luffy did the most work but killer dealt more pain to Kaido
Zoro's attack didnt even land so he only cut boro breatb
but Zoro attack is lethal enough...only attack Kaido dodged.....that makes it more dangerous....I agree with rest of your argument though....I reread the panels and changed my stance on Killer...he did so much work out there after Luffy.....but still Kidd needs to step up his game....


Oda through Big Mom

"That sword is special!"

Random Zoro fan after reading that

"I dunno man is it really special ? Like maybe it is maybe it's not, guess we will never know"

Oda through Sanji

"This suit's durability is anoying"

Random Sanji fan after reading that

"I dunno man, Sanji was always this durable, when Vergo cracked his bones that was nothing"


That's cap, Zoro with 3 swords, Shusui instead of Killer's sickle, would absolutely destroy Killer. And without Gyukimaru, Zoro ain't even getting hit.

Enma zoro >~ Killer

Pre enma zoro can't rank or beat Killer
Killer will kill him in one blow

Stop living in dreams

Btw Zoro lethality with enma is high ..above Killer's and Law's
The fact Kaido dodged it even...
Enma is a massive PU
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