Ok, now that Kaido of all people needs to dodge Zoro's attack, that's a confirmation that Zoro can take out ANYBODY with a single serious attack. That includes all the Yonkos and all the Emperors, simply every1. And he probably doesnt even need Asura to do it.
Yeah. I've been saying this forever. Kong Organ hits suck ass. It's like a Snakeman move.
Pre-Ryou Boundman can hurt Kaido CONFIRMED.
Kong Organ doesnt suck, it's 6xKong Gun, it's just that pre-Ryo Luffy sucks. With Ryo, Kong Organ is just fine and stands between Kong Gun and Kong Gattling on the scale. 1 hit<6 hits< more than 6 hits. No, pre-Ryo Boundman cant hurt Kaido even with KKG.
Whitebeard/Roger failed to scar Kaido ... let that sink
Show us Whitebeard/Roger getting a clean hit on Kaido with their weapons?
people who keep saying "it's Zoro's Haki" not "Enma"
let's see if Zoro ever during this arc gonna do as good as Enma with this other 2 swords
Yeah, the Santoryu swordsman will go Ittoryu because only Enma can harm Kaido... Sounds bright to you?
there is something wired about Enma ... that can effect Kaido easier than others
No. In case your eyes arent working, Kaido's scar is X-shaped, Enma didnt make it alone, Ame no Habakiri didnt sit out and applaud Enma. If you want to troll, at least try harder.
Is this proof Emma is special and more overpowered than Wado and Sandai?
Nope. Nothing powerful about Enma.
How will you rank the performances this chapter?
Also are the 4 other Sn already down with only Luffy up?
None of them are down, even pre-TS exhausted Zoro didnt go down from 1 attack from god of thunder, the Kami Eneru.
They are all good overall, I would rank Luffy 1st due to most panel time, Kidd last since he is the least impressive.
Zoro would rank first if he managed to defend/cut the lightning from BM.
Luffy not affected by Borobreath seems straight BS if he didnt use Haki blast to defend himself but Oda has to babysit him...
How did Killer's blades got bigger? Is it some sort of illusion of what? Btw that hit he took from Big Mom was serious. I wonder if he's already down or not.
Seems like illusion indeed since it's going through Kaido, if not, he should have been split in half in that spot. He's not down, imo.
I don't wanna hear again "enma isn't special/magic" " enma isn't a PU"
Enma isnt a PU and you know it lol, you have always known it.
Killer hype and being so powerful , hype kidd indirectly
No, he doesnt hype Kidd, I told you that these two underlings are stronger than their captains.
No, "the result would still be the same". Remember that Zoro took Killer out in first named move, while injured. He did better than BM.
No, creating big slashes, way bigger than Oden ever did, makes Zoro pant. He panted in Dressrosa after offing lord Pica as well.
hyriu kaen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>red roc
Hiryu Kaen> Anything in Luffy's arsenal. It's pointless to compare a swordsman with a brawler, always has been.
Are people seriously talking about Swords?
It's same as saying most Top Tiers are strong because they ate some fruits
Zoro isn't where he is because he have Enma
Enma is in the possession of Zoro because of where he reached
This was taught in First Saga, Powerful Swordsman can tame a Powerful Sword
It's ok, that's just their coping mechanism.
I will say again, Zoro's AP is the highest of those fighting currently. Not even penetrating haki compares
No need to be modest. We are just getting proof that Zoro is the strongest fighter on the good side, as I claimed long ago.
Oh, something for the Enma squad:
Enma, named attack:
Pre-Enma, not named attack: