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And there’s your proof. Zoro said he will pull out more power and now there’s hardening

You’re the one who was saying we don’t need to see hardening to tell Zoro is trying a lot.

So in 1001, Zoro wasn’t using his haki and now in chapter 1002 he is.

So what’s the reason he wasn’t using haki in chapter 1001? Did he think he’d win without haki?
I said there is no proof Zoro was fooling around if you remember lol and I don't think Zoro was fooling around,I even said he was testing the amount of power necessary with that initial attack.

Never said he was trying a lot,quote my post where I said he was trying alot lmao.

I said there is no way of knowing he wasn't using haki as Haki can be used without hardening and there is still no definite he did or not in 1001 as Hardening attacks are logically superior to non hardened haki attacks.

Zoro doesn't full around in these type of fights but that doesn't translate into him trying alot that I never even claimed lmao.
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Good thing Big Mom was there warning Kaido about Zoro attack because he completely disappeared off scene. He don't want anything to do with his fire attack.

He talked a big game about wanting to die against a strong samurai the second Zoro moves in to hit him with a powerful attack he's like nope, not today.


I guess he ain't as gangster he thought.
You guys don't get Kaido.He wants to be bested in a fight and die gloriously ,of course he will dodge a dangerous attack,if he can.When he was a fighting BM,he didn't just stand there and waited for her to clip his head of,you have to beat him in battle and kill him.That is why I think he will not be killed(at least by the SNs) since that is his "goal" and villains don't achieve their dreams.
Kaidou: Boro breath!!

Zoro: Homurasaki!!

Luffy: Zoro!! :D

Zoro: Ittouryuu

Big Mom: Dodge that! Kaidou!! That's not a simple katana!!

Zoro: Hiryuu Kaen!!

Kaidou: Why is Oden's presence in that katana!?

Zoro: *Huff, huff* Shit!! He avoid it...!!

Luffy: Zoro!!

Big Mom: Maaamamamamamama!! Hahahahaha!!! There's no escape!! Tenman Daijizai Tenjin!!

Luffy: Uwah!!

Kidd: Shit!! A disaster!!? Huh!?

Prometeus: Hehe!!

Law: Guh!!

Everyone: Uwaaah

Big Mom: Hm? Straw hat!! Why doesn't lightning affect you!!?


Big Mom: !!!

Luffy: How dare you do that to Zoro and the others!!!

Kaidou: Boro breath!!

Luffy: Uwaah~!!

Kaidou: Flames doesn't work either!? Why!?

Luffy: GUTS/Willpower!!

Luffy: Gomu gomu no!!!! Kong Gatling!!!

Kaidou: Guwaaaaah!!!

Oda's favourite sfx: DODODODO
@ivaannom How comes you missed out this line?
Big Mom tells Kaido: "You underestimated him (Zoro)" In Japanese: ナメすぎたねエ if case you think I'm lying
You think it's fair to call this an upper mid tier attack?
This attack is much much stronger than his 3 sword style purgatory onigiri
Zoro used only Enma so that he can put as much haki in it as possible and now he is huffing after the attack
I don't think Zoro will have more than 1 or 2 attacks stronger than this
It's debatable if even the one he used on Pica compares
Enma is using Zoro’s haki. Why wouldn’t Zoro using His haki on a three sword technique be stronger than on a one sword technique

The purgatory Onigiri didn’t have haki on it hence why it wasn’t stronger.

what’s stopping the purgatory Onigiri with haki being stronger than this one sword technique?


Man, following One Piece since the start of Wano and being a part of the community has been amazing.

All this time people were making fun of Zoro's fans and their theories of ZKK, Zoro cutting Kaido or even just Zoro going to the rooftop and interacting with Kaido at all, that was a job for Luffy and MAYBE Kidd and Law. Zoro would face Queen and Sanji would face King because they can both fly and use fire kicks.

The community made a bunch of funny memes to make fun of Zoro's fans, shit like SCK for example.

But week after week, slowly, Oda was building up what a bunch of us believed and we stayed true to it.


And after seing all these events unfold, the community is choking and ODing in Copium, repeating the same word like a broken record: "Enma, Enma, Enma, Enma", trying to justify how wrong they have been for the past few years.

So, when the time comes for Zoro either killing Kaido or just cutting him deeply and re-opening Oden's scar, i won't be just happy for the great moment for the Grandmaster, but i will also be 1000x more happy because i will remember the nicknames of all the people in this forum, on reddit, on twitter and also all youtubers that made fun of this shit for years.

Can't wait for it :steef:
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