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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
This attack is much much stronger than his 3 sword style purgatory onigiri
Yes, Rengoku Oni Giri is a lower mid tier attack. Here's what a tier list of Zoro's attacks without Asura are like:
  • Top Tier
    • Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai
  • High Tier
    • Santoryu Ougi Rokudo No Tsuji
    • 1080 Pound Cannon
    • Nigori-Zake
  • Upper Mid
    • Iai: Shi Shishi SonSon
    • Hiryuu: Kaen
    • Kokujo: O Tatsumaki
    • (Upgraded) Iai: Rashomon
  • Medium
    • (Upgraded) Gyuki Yuzume
    • (Upgraded) Yasha Garasu
    • (Upgraded) Hyokindama
    • Homurasaki
  • Lower Mid
    • Ul-Tora Gari
    • Rengoku Oni Giri
    • (Upgraded) Toro Nagashi
    • (Upgraded) Ushi Bari
    • (Upgraded) Gazami Dori
    • (Upgraded) Daibutsu Giri
    • (Upgraded) Karasuma Gari
    • 720 Pound Cannon
  • Upper Low
    • Nigiri: Torou Samon
    • Dai Gekken
  • Medium Low
    • Dai Shinkan
    • Baki
    • Taka Nami
    • Sai Kuru
    • 360 Pound Cannon
  • Lower Low
    • Yakkodori

Hiryuu Kaen and Shi ShiShi SonSon are Zoro's strongest Ittoryu techniques, but they are probably weaker than his most powerful Santoryu techniques (in turn weaker than his Ougi).

Rengoku Oni Giri is one of Zoro's weakest Santoryu techniques.

Zoro used only Enma so that he can put as much haki in it as possible and now he is huffing after the attack
This is fanfiction at this stage to be frank. All of Zoro's attacks should be stronger with Enma, so whatever boost Enma provided to Hiryuu Kaen, it should provide to his other attacks.

I don't think Zoro will have more than 1 or 2 attacks stronger than this
This is patently wrong. Zoro has used this technique before pretimeskip, we know where it stands. Zoro has several attacks stronger than it.

It's debatable if even the one he used on Pica compares
It is insane to suggest that an Ittoryu technique compares to Zoro's strongest Santoryu techniques let alone his Ougi. Zoro is not an ittoryu swordsman, he's a master of Santoryu. His strongest techniques will be with Santoryu.
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Enma is a PU but only in the hands of Zoro. As it's Zoro's powerful Haki and his will power that tames Enma. Other users would turn into corpses, as Enma sucks out their Haki.
That's like saying RS wouldn't open to any other users except Sanji because theyre not Vinsmokes. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. Zoro has a PU. His training with Wado Ichimonji all these years prepared him for Enma.
jinbe fishman karata also ignores durablity so he should come on roof
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jinbe fishman karata also ignores durablity so he should come on roof
Yep, he is the FIRST CHARACTER introduced with the ability to hurt the inside through water....

That's why he was effective with Big Mom! Didn't matter if she was skinny or not, IN THAT SCENE, she would have been blasted off the ship regardless


Bald Spoiler Provider
To add more context, once she says that she uses her new attack taking down almost all the supernovas.

BTW I also missed one sentence, after Zoro says "Ittouryuu" Kaidou says "What's that?", he probably noticed Oden's presence in Enma then.
So is tda translation correct cause I posted in the spoiler thread


All swords carry the will of previous owners. This has been stated in the manga several times.

You guys seem to be so much in disbelief that you have reached for illogical amounts of mental gymnastics.
Wado carries Kuina's will ...does it also have her haki then?

Enma "draws out" the user's haki, it doesn't store haki. This very fact renders that ridiculous hypothesis false.
yeah all swords are similar yet This is the first time BM noticed a weapon is abnormal/unusual


Zoro Worshipper
That's like saying RS wouldn't open to any other users except Sanji because theyre not Vinsmokes. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. Zoro has a PU. His training with Wado Ichimonji all these years prepared him for Enma.
Enma is a training tool

Literally nothing in the manga suggests its AP is better or even equal to Shusui

Show the panels proving differently
Fooling around in my book is not even trying and joking with the opponent.

This is Zoro's 1st encounter with an emperor he knows only by reputation,why would he go full on hardened attack in his first try?

Not using hardening immeditaley doesn't mean you are fooling around unless all the scabbards were fooling around in their first clash with Kaido.
Maybe not fooling around but he was at least testing the waters
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