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Honestly, Oda is just bad at scaling. Most of his islands are Smaller than my small ass village yet have Millions of Citizens
That's just like he said that Wadatsumi was bigger than Oars despite him looking smaller and him never being noted to be taller than Oars by the Straw Hats. Not counting that when Pica created his gigantic golem it was Oars who was used as an example of height by Luffy and Zoro.
Btw the fact that Oda is showing so much of SNs vs Kaido and BM this early on, and has even had Law pull out one of his best attacks, proves that the SNs are doomed to lose this round. Marco will have to heal them, and Yamato, Drake, Apoo, and Hawkins will show up as reinforcements
I am so sure that the third and final round against Kaido will happen on Wano itself near or inside the Flower Capital.
I agree.

The point of my edit was that apparently you "arent" a Zoro fan if you aren't rooting for ZKK or his fight against Kaido exclusively on this forum lol.

I will still advocate for a swordsman fight until it becomes mega clear Zoro is in this until the end. And he very likely will be, but who knows how Oda shifts the dynamic if he does.

We'll see what happens.

Edit: the one thing concerning me right now is the amount of effort he's giving to this fight at the moment. You'd think he would save it after everyone else was down, but it looks like he's been trying to get this rooftop battle out of the way before things potentially change when they arrive at Wano.

Again, not sure what is happening here, but it just "seems" that way
Who is they?

In my opinion he is putting so much effort because he has been waiting for this for years. Man was talking about how excited he is about Wano well before WCI happened.

Plus I feel like Oda especially loves drawing Zoro panels. Just look at how kick ass he made Zoro stomping Apoo look like
not like Enma but one cuts heaven one cuts hell so there equal in quality thats what Im asking myself could Oden hurt Kaido like that with other swords or would Kaido dodge Zoros attack if the attack was executed with the same amount of haki but with Nidai or Wado
Well Supposedly Roger and Shanks can hurt Kaido too. Roger and Shanks who have been in very close proximity of Oden. In fact Oden is specifically shown to be very interested in how Roger fights, the same way Zoro was interested in Kin’emon

So how likely is it that Oden asked Roger how he fights? And How likely is it Roger taught him something? And how Likely is it what Roger taught Oden is what is useful against Kaido?

Anha. Let’s follow this train. So Oden has special Kaido hurting swords. Kaido can be hurt by Roger and Shanks presumably by some other means separate from special swords. Oden is shown specifically interested in some special power that Roger has and we assume Oden learned it.

So are these two different things? What Oden learned from Roger is not a factor in what makes him hurt Kaido? Or is it partly a factor? If it’s partly a factor then how come both Roger and Shanks only need that special thing to hurt Kaido and not special swords? Unless Roger and Shanks also have special swords?
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