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I’m talking to the guy who used Kidd getting cut by wind as proof he can’t disarm Zoro. I don’t see how not repelling wind correlates with controlling metal.
if you study physics in High school, you should know that force is proportional to the acceleration, if his arm doesn rebuild fast enough, it means he lacks forces, and to disarm Zoro Kidd will need forces. zoro's force overcome kaido's force easily, while on the other hand kidd's force couldnt defend from the same force that kaido used on zoro
TOGEN TOTSUKA were 2 SHISHIO swords. The AP of this is crazy, see enma the madness it is, now join enma with "ame no habakiri " and by the way assign monstrous strength plus AP and Ryou from ODEN. It's insane. This attack by ZORO could cause significant damage, but it is still far from the junction of enma and AMENO.
Yeah but this is Zoro, future sword God himself, with Haki strong enough to split kilometer long horns.

He would bring same kinda power through all three swords.
I am very sure Oda will play the Santoryu vs Nittoryu theme this arc and I think Wado Ichimonji would be highlighted a lot.
Its also possible Sandai Kitetsu breaks and Zoro gets Shushui momentarily so he can use that on the final panel of beheading kaido


It's not really about efficiency, it's about his intent.
Did he wish to cut precisely what he wanted to cut, or did he cut more than he desired by accident.
We probably won't ever know because the intent will never be clear.
No, it's literally efficiency, don't get me wrong, I'm not playing with ZORO I'm praising KINEMON, his fire style and techniques (cutting fire) are BETTER than ZORO's.

Kinemon does 2 in 1, (attack and neutralize at the same time), zoro does only 1 (which is neutralized)
This is efficiency of the technique.


Weren't the Yonko serious about Red Roc? Big Mom was in SHOCK. Kaido was like "what the fuck was that???"

Here they actually seemed shocked about the attack not the weapon or anything

Kaido even praises Luffy and compare him to the GoATs
With Zoro, BM bothered by enma being unusual but she didn't seem to hype the attack or zoto after .
People can duscusd the potrayal of that scene. Its the furst time we have seen a Youkou seemed worried about another. Also its the 2nd time a Youkou warned another not to underestimate someone.(Shanks told WB to not to underestimate BB)
We literally have bm shocked and worried about Kaido after luffy hit him.

He was shocked because of his growth
BM was worried about enma not Zoro

Shocked about luffy > worried about a weapon
At least Luffy own strength shocked them while Enma and Oden's presence bothered Yonko. Not Zoro
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