Powers & Abilities Is Oden's haki inside Enma?

Is Oden's haki inside Enma?

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Zoro Worshipper
Again it's not a living host(which will make it an even more horrible thing then it already is), that's not what I said. Don't twist my words man, that's not very gentlemanly of you.

Though at the end of the day you never know with Oda. Maybe Oden will return as a stand for Zoro or Momo at a later time. We all know how he love to keep mentioning and wanking the guy.
There are no other chances man, from the ones I have presented which are both far fetched scenarios as of now.
Again it's not a living host(which will make it an even more horrible thing then it already is), that's not what I said. Don't twist my words man, that's not very gentlemanly of you.

Though at the end of the day you never know with Oda. Maybe Oden will return as a stand for Zoro or Momo at a later time. We all know how much he loves to keep mentioning and wanking the guy.
Oden Stando :steef:
cant be oden's haki else the attack rengoku onigiri from the jump would have done the same thing

zoro released more of his ryou
which he didnt last chap and as a result he's exerting himself much more than he did last chap . after his attack last chap
no sign of physical drain
but there is now.

as for kaido feeling oden's aura /presence.

aura has been mentioned without it being haki in reference to zoro since pre timeskip.
an example post time skip

fandom wars are prob stopping people form staying objective
translation is still iffy I bet but no , swords dont retain the same level of ryou as their predecessor did and neither did enma, you could say however their presence/soul should linger there.

cant be oden's haki else the attack rengoku onigiri from the jump would have done the same thing

zoro released more of his ryou
which he didnt last chap and as a result he's exerting himself much more than he did last chap . after his attack last chap
no sign of physical drain
but there is now.

as for kaido feeling oden's aura /presence.

aura has been mentioned without it being haki in reference to zoro since pre timeskip.
an example post time skip

fandom wars are prob stopping people form staying objective
translation is still iffy I bet but no , swords dont retain the same level of ryou as their predecessor did and neither did enma, you could say however their presence/soul should linger there.

Zoro is alive, Enma might be special (or Oden might have been) and Zoro was restraining Enma in 1001, as he admitted. It wasn't even hardened.

It's not an absurd claim to think Oden might have been able to put a port of his will (haki) into the sword. Enma seemed to be a normal sword In the flashback, Oden was casually wielding it while he was even younger than Zoro.
It's not a certainty either as your (and many others') interpretation is clearly reasonable, so i made a thread to discuss the topic :kayneshrug:
Literally nothing is in reference to the swordsman himself, and everything in reference to the sword. If it was Zoro's haki, why doesn't he pull out his other two swords for the special attack. Again, Big Mom references the sword. Zoro last chapter talked about using more of Enma's power (not his own). This would have been easily solved if Oda referenced Zoro and said, "that guy is not a normal swordsman" same thing with Kaido.
Literally nothing is in reference to the swordsman himself, and everything in reference to the sword. If it was Zoro's haki, why doesn't he pull out his other two swords for the special attack. Again, Big Mom references the sword. Zoro last chapter talked about using more of Enma's power (not his own). This would have been easily solved if Oda referenced Zoro and said, "that guy is not a normal swordsman" same thing with Kaido.
enma s ability is to take zoro s haki what power does enma gives zoro ? :milaugh:
enma doesnt give power enma takes zoro s power:cheers:
enma s ability is to take zoro s haki what power does enma gives zoro ? :milaugh:
enma doesnt give power enma takes zoro s power:cheers:
Let me know when Zoro pulls off the same feats with his other two swords (in this arc). If it was Zoro's haki and his control alone, then he should easily be able to replicate those feats with his other two swords that he has MASTERED. lmao come'on this is clear as day and you're in denial because you don't want enma to be such an easy power-up.
Zoro is alive, Enma might be special (or Oden might have been) and Zoro was restraining Enma in 1001, as he admitted. It wasn't even hardened.

It's not an absurd claim to think Oden might have been able to put a port of his will (haki) into the sword. Enma seemed to be a normal sword In the flashback, Oden was casually wielding it while he was even younger than Zoro.
It's not a certainty either as your (and many others') interpretation is clearly reasonable, so i made a thread to discuss the topic :kayneshrug:
I get why the thread was made so who said you shouldnt discuss the topic....
enma seemed normal for a monster like oden
but we never saw oden as a child use it aside from a silhouette
he prob got better with it as he got older wouldnt you agree?

It will feel normal too for zoro soon as with all of his blades after he initially got them
thinking he will continue to sweat after every attack using that blade is fools gold. just means zoro isnt at the level oden was when it seemed so casual for him to cut kaido.

also have to take in mind not every slash forces him to react in that manner

rengoku onigiri
and blocking kaido's wind attack etc

enma can seem casual depending on the attack thats been used. the user himself determines how much they want to pour in.
100% proof it relies on the user's haki from that standpoint.
Let me know when Zoro pulls off the same feats with his other two swords (in this arc). If it was Zoro's haki and his control alone, then he should easily be able to replicate those feats with his other two swords that he has MASTERED. lmao come'on this is clear as day and you're in denial because you don't want enma to be such an easy power-up.
not my problem u can t read


No. We've been said by Gyukimaru and Kawamatsu that swords inherit their owner's will/spirit when they die. That's why Kaido sensed Oden in it. When Big Mom said that this is not your average sword, she meant it, because Enma isn't average, lol.
You are crazy

Linkin says it's unusual
Kaido feels Oden

You think they are talking about grades?

Why didn't Luffy comment on ebma then since his CoO i
I get why the thread was made so who said you shouldnt discuss the topic....
enma seemed normal for a monster like oden
but we never saw oden as a child use it aside from a silhouette
he prob got better with it as he got older wouldnt you agree?

It will feel normal too for zoro soon as with all of his blades after he initially got them
thinking he will continue to sweat after every attack using that blade is fools gold. just means zoro isnt at the level oden was when it seemed so casual for him to cut kaido.

also have to take in mind not every slash forces him to react in that manner

rengoku onigiri
and blocking kaido's wind attack etc

enma can seem casual depending on the attack thats been used. the user himself determines how much they want to pour in.
100% proof it relies on the user's haki from that standpoint.
If it as Haki...kaido will say "i sensed Zoro haki" or "zoro is using same haki as Oden "
Like he did when retainers stabbed him

Here , kaido felt Oden's presence and Linlin felt it to be weird.

All the attention goes to enma and not Zoro's haki.
not my problem u can t read
Yes, no matter who picks it up if they aren't trained, with get the entirety of their haki drained by the sword. How does that in anyway disprove that the sword is special and its doing shit on its own? Props to Zoro for not dying by picking it up, but its the swords that is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Big Mom "not your average Sword", "Oden's haki in that sword". If something referenced the swordsman "not your average swordsman", "oden's haki from that swordsman" this would have a completely different meaning and would refer directly to Zoro.
Yes, no matter who picks it up if they aren't trained, with get the entirety of their haki drained by the sword. How does that in anyway disprove that the sword is special and its doing shit on its own? Props to Zoro for not dying by picking it up, but its the swords that is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. Big Mom "not your average Sword", "Oden's haki in that sword". If something referenced the swordsman "not your average swordsman", "oden's haki from that swordsman" this would have a completely different meaning and would refer directly to Zoro.
after zoro did the cut on kaido big mom said you underastimated him :cheers:
yes enma is not an average sword just like sandai nidai and shusui aren t :cheers:
You are crazy

Linkin says it's unusual
Kaido feels Oden

You think they are talking about grades?

Why didn't Luffy comment on ebma then since his CoO i

If it as Haki...kaido will say "i sensed Zoro haki" or "zoro is using same haki as Oden "
Like he did when retainers stabbed him

Here , kaido felt Oden's presence and Linlin felt it to be weird.

All the attention goes to enma and not Zoro's haki.
and then linlin says you understimated him in the iffy translation
its not your average sword
correct it isnt . doesnt mean enma is the best sword in the world either.

for kaido to recognize the presence of someone he isnt familiar with?
what are you even saying.
you cant recognize something you have never felt before.

you expect him to recognize zoro's aura?
get real
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I have no problem with discussion
If I did I wouldnt comment.
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Talent is something you make bloom.
Post the "Enma explanation" image thousands of times to debunk people, saying it's all Zoro.
Fair enough.
Post the "kawamatsu telling about souls in swords enabling and making the samurai wielding the blade strong" and just ignoring that he is saying that it literally buffs the samurai.
ThAtS nOt HoW eNmA wOrKs. ItS aLL zOrO.