Questions & Mysteries Why people keep pushing Queen vs Sanji?

Contradicting urself , showing king's seriousness along with queen's clowning and goofiness as reasons at your post And now dont give a shit about characterisation. Would be better to say king is stronger therefore u want it, would be honest reason
I literally explained everything and you still cant put it through you're empty skull.

Listen here dummy. I dont give a fuck about King's personality or if he was the stronger one between him or Queen. All I care for is how he looks, how he fights and how he would suit Sanji as an opponent.

Its pathetic how you and Garp are trying to put this narrative on me and Sanji fans as a whole. Get your heads out of your asses. We want King because he suits Sanji as a good fight for him. End of Story
I literally explained everything and you still cant put it through you're empty skull.

Listen here dummy. I dont give a fuck about King's personality or if he was the stronger one between him or Queen. All I care for is how he looks, how he fights and how he would suit Sanji as an opponent.

Its pathetic how you and Garp are trying to put this narrative on me and Sanji fans as a whole. Get your heads out of your asses. We want King because he suits Sanji as a good fight for him. End of Story
Lol kid thats what u said and i quoted. Think over ur words bef typing if u dont wanna cry like this next time. if u wanna start trash talk out of nowhere , u cant do better than shit which i step on . so move on and bark at another street.
I literally explained everything and you still cant put it through you're empty skull.

Listen here dummy. I dont give a fuck about King's personality or if he was the stronger one between him or Queen. All I care for is how he looks, how he fights and how he would suit Sanji as an opponent.

Its pathetic how you and Garp are trying to put this narrative on me and Sanji fans as a whole. Get your heads out of your asses. We want King because he suits Sanji as a good fight for him. End of Story
Sanji is not fighting king
I don't see the point of Oda introducing the 'Judge's son' line if Queen and Sanji don't come face to face. If Queen has a history with Germa, he's definitely fighting Sanji.
Mentioning Judge is not the same of mentioning Germa, Queen and Judge are both scientists. An infinite number of plots can be based on this without involving Sanji (e.g. Queen and Judge worked with Vegapunk while he was studying Kaido, Queen saved Kaido and they escaped from PH).
Especially because Queen talked about the second and the third strongest, had Zoro's bounty next to Sanji's one and certainly held a grudge on Zoro for what he did and none of these things mattered: Zoro didn't fight him and Queen couldn't stop the swordsman.

He won't be able to stop Sanji either.
I predict there's going to be another gag, with Queen cheerfully mentioning Judge, Sanji kicking Queen off the stage with a gag angry espression while telling him to not say that name in front of him again and Queen making another funny face.
Then Drake, Chopper and the cured fodders vs Queen starts:brootea:
Mentioning Judge is not the same of mentioning Germa, Queen and Judge are both scientists. An infinite number of plots can be based on this without involving Sanji (e.g. Queen and Judge worked with Vegapunk while he was studying Kaido, Queen saved Kaido and they escaped from PH).
Especially because Queen talked about the second and the third strongest, had Zoro's bounty next to Sanji's one and certainly held a grudge on Zoro for what he did and none of these things mattered: Zoro didn't fight him and Queen couldn't stop the swordsman.

He won't be able to stop Sanji either.
I predict there's going to be another gag, with Queen cheerfully mentioning Judge, Sanji kicking Queen off the stage with a gag angry espression while telling him to not say that name in front of him again and Queen making another funny face.
Then Drake, Chopper and the cured fodders vs Queen starts:brootea:
I do believe that Queen may interact with Sanji. But a fight wouldnt make sense.

Im thinking the opposite of what your thinking. I think Queen insults and mocks Judge thinking it will lead Sanji to him, but instead Sanji agrees and leaves him. Giving Queen his comedic face.

Sanji kicking him off the stage maybe possible due to Queen being a Judge fan. Either way Judge isnt a solid enough reason for Sanji to stay and fight Queen. But them having an interaction about Judge maybe very possible.
Maybe because of power level.
Post wano, luffy will be legit low top tier with temporarily enough on mid top tier strength (read as tine limit), zoro top high tier/YC1 with G4 dressrosa theme:drain zoro so fast) so temporarily have mid top tier strength.

So, some people need Sanji on YC 2/1. If sanji beat King then we'll have argument of Sanji being stronger than YC1 & mocking Zoro as he never beat one. So, sanji beat queen is safer, as Sanji will YC1 argumen and even if Zoro never beat one, zoro already strike yonkou. Thus we'll have Sanji vs Zoro argument again...

Nevermind that,
1. Sanji beat queen high-extreeme diff without RS, then realize he needs RS to help luffy vs yonkou, so Sanji's bounty 1.077B
2. Or Sanji stall King & Queen at the same time with RS as they will struggle againts even only 1 sanji which is invisible. So Marco going up to help SN + Marco vs 2 Yonkous. Bounty:777m. But he strike alone marine battleship so SH can leaves & his bounty Vinsmoke-sora theme is 1.077B
3. Or anything, up to the writer Oda


Welcome to the House of Hope
Sanji fans that want Sanji vs King aren’t actually fans of Sanji, they’re fans of an imaginary version of him that is basically Zoro but blonde.

Fight with a character that can expand on the history of Sanji’s family, the arc after this was one of the emotional cruxes? Nah, we want King because he’s stronger.
I've seen a lot of bs about Sanji, but this one deserves a special prize.
Expanding a storyline that had closure already?
Not impossible, but its far from being a necessity.
Asspulling a connection with the vinsmokes just to justify him fighting Sanji is more likely to be bad than good.
You sir, are allowed to have your tastes, but saying that "real Sanji fans dont want sanji vs king" is some next level bs.
I defend that Sanji putting his pride aside and using the raid suit to get stronger and protect his friends, showing that the care he has for the SH's is stronger than the despise he feels for the Vinsmokes is an amazing closure.
Z-E-R-O need expanding on that just for creating a connection against a one arc enemy.
King and Queen are just strong enemies to be defeated.
I would love him to solo any one of them. I like both. But I prefer King for a purely aesthetic reason. A cool aerial battle.
"Real Sanji fans...."
Sanji fans that want Sanji vs King aren’t actually fans of Sanji, they’re fans of an imaginary version of him that is basically Zoro but blonde.

Fight with a character that can expand on the history of Sanji’s family, the arc after this was one of the emotional cruxes? Nah, we want King because he’s stronger.
Personally, I want the SHs to be a Yonko level crew coming out of Wano so I'm rooting for Sanji vs King plus sky fire fight is hard to reject.

Wanting a character to do high feats aren't fans so by that logic, are ZKK fans fake?