Future Events Oda's killing problem - does he have the guts to kill Kaido?

How will Oda solve the killing problem?

  • Luffy ends his pacifist run and kills Kaido

  • Zoro finally commits an on-panel murder

  • Kid or Law do the dirty work for them

  • Big Mom backstabs Kaido

  • Blackbeard appears and backstabs Kaido

  • He doesn't. Kaido is imprisoned eternally (in a Poneglyph or something? idk)

  • None of the above

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Kaido will die for sure, and not by any SHs

Black beard is the most likely scenario , Moria is with him and no way Moria won't get involved in Kaido Saga, it's a given

I think Kaido will die looking good however , similar to WB
This arc
Teach Luffy Kidd Law vs Kaido
Garp and Kizaru vs BM
That will actually be a reason to have both emperors fall if Worstgen top 4 defeats Kaido while Admiral and Garp beats/stalemate Linlin with garo dying in the process
as you said the problem is not who do it
its oda, will he kill ?!
you know oda benefit from his way of none killing a character then he surprised the fans with ace death and WB
but with kaidou case it will not be surprise cuz a lot of characters wanted his death even himself
also it didn't serve as build for main character/story like ace death
so what the benefit of killing kaidou for oda ? will it different from his defeat ?!
no he can be defeated and captured and wano end a happy ending with opening the border etc

but there's only one major reason for oda to kill kaidou
and that is it has been hinted from kaidou introduction
kaidou = immortal , everyone want to kill him oden samuraies , 9rs WG pirates
this is why may oda kill him cuz kaido and death is 2 face for coin
Kaido is very likely to die. Who kills is the real question.

The only alternative is that you chain him like a pig in seastone like BM-Queen and send it to ID like Doffy. But to do that you need an Admiral to babysit him and you would need to time it so that said Admiral is fully focused on Kaido and doesn't touch the Luffy & Co...


World's Strongest Swordsman
Kaido is very likely to die. Who kills is the real question.

The only alternative is that you chain him like a pig in seastone like BM-Queen and send it to ID like Doffy. But to do that you need an Admiral to babysit him and you would need to time it so that said Admiral is fully focused on Kaido and doesn't touch the Luffy & Co...
Capture is not an option. They have had 18 yes EIGHTEEN opportunies to do so. Its failed every time.


Zoro Worshipper
This arc
Teach Luffy Kidd Law vs Kaido
Garp and Kizaru vs BM
That will actually be a reason to have both emperors fall if Worstgen top 4 defeats Kaido while Admiral and Garp beats/stalemate Linlin with garo dying in the process
Why would Zoro leave the rooftop stage?
In that you simply don't like his character?

There's literally no other ''logical'' explanation.


Zoro Worshipper
The roof is too small to contain them. The same happened in Dressrosa. Fight will transfer over to Wano.
I mean why would he alone be meant to leave it like he had implied in the first place. He is still putting other novas facing off Kaido and Zoro being left out. Your idea is also way too far out for now.

Zoro is not shifting objective nevertheless.
A heartwrenching scene in which an important character suffers the loss of their only parental figure due to that parental figure's absolute unwillingness to deny their familial bond? That scene would never be drawn in 2021 OP.

This scene was far too memorable to make it into modern OP. Wano is reserved for masterpiece dialogue like “muh durability”, “these brats”, “how is this possible,” and other LeGeNdArY mOmEnTs from GODA!!!11!, instead of all that other crap.
Look at the scene with Yasu and tell me it was memorable. Tell me it evoked genuine emotion. Tell me you knew that nothing would be the same for the characters from here on out. Admit it, you didn't even remember it! Neither did I. Yasu was a shitty father that sold his daughter to the red light district to serve under a high class escort and a gangster. When that chapter came out, half the fandom was debating whether he was actually dead or not. That's how bad Oda's post-timeskip anti-death shenanigans have gotten. Fandom has to debate whether Zoro actually killed the magistrate or whether bullets killed Yasu and hard to blame them with child Sabo survived an entire round of artillery fire.

Zoro killed the magistrate on panel
So if Zoro did kill the magistrate, that would make him the only Straw Hat to have killed in recent times, and the number 1 candidate for killing Kaido. At the same time, killing Kaido would need to shatter his beliefs to be consistent with how Luffy thwarts his other opponents. As for what those beliefs are? Who knows. Whatever Oda comes up with on sketching day I suppose.
A heartwrenching scene in which an important character suffers the loss of their only parental figure due to that parental figure's absolute unwillingness to deny their familial bond? That scene would never be drawn in 2021 OP.

Look at the scene with Yasu and tell me it was memorable. Tell me it evoked genuine emotion. Tell me you knew that nothing would be the same for the characters from here on out. Admit it, you didn't even remember it! Neither did I. Yasu was a shitty father that sold his daughter to the red light district to serve under a high class escort and a gangster. When that chapter came out, half the fandom was debating whether he was actually dead or not. That's how bad Oda's post-timeskip anti-death shenanigans have gotten. Fandom has to debate whether Zoro actually killed the magistrate or whether bullets killed Yasu and hard to blame them with child Sabo survived an entire round of artillery fire.

So if Zoro did kill the magistrate, that would make him the only Straw Hat to have killed in recent times, and the number 1 candidate for killing Kaido. At the same time, killing Kaido would need to shatter his beliefs to be consistent with how Luffy thwarts his other opponents. As for what those beliefs are? Who knows. Whatever Oda comes up with on sketching day I suppose.
Yasuie was a heart warming scene where he refused to give up the alliance.
A heartwrenching scene in which an important character suffers the loss of their only parental figure due to that parental figure's absolute unwillingness to deny their familial bond? That scene would never be drawn in 2021 OP.
Obviously the relationship between Yasu and Toko pales compared to that of Nami and Bellemere, but it still is something out of the normal for Oda’s writing.

What Yasu shows is that Oda is breaking his usual conventions. The same way he broke them in Marineford. Characters don’t die in the present day, that’s Oda’s general rule. Flashback, fair game, current story, nope.

Yasu breaks that pattern. In other arcs, Yasu would be fine. Like Pagaya surviving his apparent death to save his daughter Conis. That’s the more apt comparison than the Nami-Bellemere one. Here we actually got an onscreen, present day death, and unlike other situations, we actually ended up with both a corpse and a grave. If Yasu comes back from this, it will shit all over Pell as the worst death fake out Oda has ever done.

Oda has already killed a character this arc. If he can kill off Yasu, he can kill off Kaido. Whether he has the balls to go through with a main character like Zoro doing it, that’s the real question.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
You lot overthink this. Zoro will cut his head off in dragon form just like he did that poor dragon in Punk Hazard. It's that simple. Think back to how the BB pirates killed WB, it'll be something very similar.
I can see Kaido getting defeated and tryna to fly off in his dragon form and the SN's all jump in the air bussin out their most potent attacks.
Killer would start off by hitting Kaido with his most powerful move, follow by Kidd, Law, Luffy and finally Zoro slices his head off. The end.