Go and ask a Japanese native speaker then, what Big Mom means by it. I've given you the Japanese panel.
Or do you want me to do it?
Better yet ask Stephen Paul himself if you have the means to whether she means to get out of the way etc.
Or do you want me to do it?
Better yet ask Stephen Paul himself if you have the means to whether she means to get out of the way etc.

Questioning Stephen Paul only when zoro wank doesn't work
Questioning Viz tol
When Erkan does it ...you guys bash hjm and use Viz like some god tier translation and call him names
Like I always say it, you guys aret worst.
The context and manga proves that kaido never dodged, zoro missed . Thats it.
BM also wqs wary of Enma not Zoro. That's why she says they underestimated them.
Viz or Fanscans ... Kaido didn't dodge.