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I think Zem already looked into Random Asshole and he came up as innocent. Worst case scenario is if he is the godfather.
Did she clarify how she cleared him?
All i remember is all of RA invests failing. That's too big to be a coincidence. Muugen got one in first try. Kro got Kiwi and Missy. Naomi Missy. And now Zem chcked RA.

There's were fake wu of Investigations failing that time as well. Did no one questioned him on that?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
the funny thing is im actually town usopp and getting lynched cuz of stupid red vs purple shenaningens

idk where they got my role and edited sht on it to fake flip rayan, but thats like how nzoth revealed 4 roles to the game and redacted flower's role when she doesnt have an ability that says she shud be redacted lmfao

well its way past my time anyway. i shalt join u soon friends @Flower @Fujishiro @Natalija @MangoSenpai

for remaining town:

u guys shud definitly look more into kiwi, pantheons, missy and yo tan btw

these have to be the remaining scum. zem said random is town but my name invest failed on him. he could have dual role idk

@Zem how many scums did u find on queen's wagon yesterday with ur ability? or was it only 1 shot? too lazy to go bk n check xd
Did she clarify how she cleared him?
All i remember is all of RA invests failing. That's too big to be a coincidence. Muugen got one in first try. Kro got Kiwi and Missy. Naomi Missy. And now Zem chcked RA.

There's were fake wu of Investigations failing that time as well. Did no one questioned him on that?
He could he a possible godfather.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
pantheons awakened his ability right after queen died

u can tell queen lost her passive since she died when one of her scummates is still alive

remaining purple is either pantheons or kiwi
remaining red is missy, yo tan wa and very possibly RA/salah

thats it for me ningens, shud be an easy town win from there on




No dude... that's a bike...!!
It's odd that Usopp made an appearance just when i started sussing Pantheos and RA. One of them gotta be Red team.

I am not readin Usopp posts at this point.
i mean ppl shud ideally not read ur posts when ur so obviously lara croft lol

3 deaths, +1 attempted deaths by scum. then fake wu by god de claim.

that is to much bs op on scum side.

the kill attempts r done by red mafia, the fake writeup faction kill is done by purple

honestly given how town have ppl with some survivability like me and others with revives and rolecrush immunity and some with superkill immunity as well

i dont think its as op as u think
The Relentless Adventurer -

Lara Croft activated [Tomb Raider]

Lara Croft used [Bows] on [???], and [Grapling Hook] on [???]

Nagato used [Nakara Path] on [???], [Asura Path] on [???], and [Animal Path] on [???] and [???]

Femto used [Irvine] on [???], [Brand of Sacrifice] on [???], and [Zodd] on [???]

Femto activated [Pump And Dump] to ban the word 'Eject'

Femto used [Torture] on [???] and [???]

Bouya Harumichi used [Greatest Man] on [???]

Denji activated [The Chainsaw Devil], and used [Enhanced Strength] and [Chainsaw Entanglement] on [???]
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