Don't worry, Kidd will get a Smoker moment to Luffy.

For real though, I've been saying from the very beginning that Zoro will outperform Kidd and Luffy. With each chapter I've been looking more and more accurate. I think you're setting yourself up for failure if you expect Kidd or Killer to outperform Zoro.
Zoro's going to deal nearly half of the damage to Kaido.
Again, unless Kidd somehow defeats Mama, he has no hope of even comparing to Zoro.
Kaido literally wants Zoro to kill him. Expecting anyone other than Pirate Jesus to outperform Zoro is delusional.

For real though, I've been saying from the very beginning that Zoro will outperform Kidd and Luffy. With each chapter I've been looking more and more accurate. I think you're setting yourself up for failure if you expect Kidd or Killer to outperform Zoro.
Zoro's going to deal nearly half of the damage to Kaido.
- In two consecutive chapters, Kaido has noticed Oden's presence from Enma.
- Kaido wants to die at the hands of a monster samurai of the likes of Oden.
- Zoro comes to fight him literally wielding Oden's sword, and demonstrates the power to greatly injure him.
Again, unless Kidd somehow defeats Mama, he has no hope of even comparing to Zoro.
Kaido literally wants Zoro to kill him. Expecting anyone other than Pirate Jesus to outperform Zoro is delusional.
And I'm saying since the beginning that Kidd will outperform Law, Zoro and Killer.
I'll not change my mind till the battle ends, cause I have a lot of motivations to think so.
• So what? You judging the whole fight from 2 chapters of battle (not even 3 cause we have not the full summary yet)? If so, you're running bro
• Who knows if he'll get what he wants?
• I always said that Zoro will reopen the scar/open a new one that makes Kaido panic
I'm leaving open the possibility of Kidd fighting Mama with Killer and Luffy fighting Kaido with Zoro, Law as support.
In both cases I don't see Zoro outperforming Luffy and Kidd.
You were wrong about Killer, twice, what makes you so sure that you'll not be wrong with Kidd too? He has even much more set up than Killer