I am here with a peaceful messege
I am here before the inevitable unavoidable prophecy becomes reality :>>
To all Deniers, Haters, Delusional, Its still not to late, To BELIEVE in the ZKK prophecy.
I am sure that by now all of you are starting to realize, In your hearts deep inside where your soul resides that you have made a mistake.
That at this point everything is pointing towards one thing.
And that one thing is.... Zoro will behead Kaido on top of the flower capital.
It might happen in a chapter or in 100. But it will happen.
So i will reach my hand to you. In order to give you a chance to save yourselves from the unavoidable trolling that fellow Zoro fans will unfold upon you when it happens.
join the ZKK army and be a part of the winning force that is spreading like a fire in a forest.
And maybe you too can be W harvesters.