You are Denzel Quincy Crocker!
[Passive - Mother's Basement] - Even though he is a grown-ass man, Denzel still resides in his mother's basement as if he's a high schooler. He represents the epitome of a man who lives in their mother's basement. As such, whenever Denzel performs an action, it will not appear in the write-up.
[Passive - Believer of Fairies] - They called you crazy; they called you a psychopath; they called you a goddamn madman! But you assure them that they exist alright. FAIRIES EXIST AND YOU WILL PROVE IT!! During the day phase, Denzel must make at least one essay post where he creates an argument that proves the existence of fairies. Depending on the reactions he receives, they will determine the power-ups you get.
- If players react to your theory believing it, Denzel will gain +1 vote power per person.
- If players react in disbelief and/or ridicule you for it, then Denzel will be even more motivated to convince them, unlocking these active abilities below to use.
--- [Magic Detector] - this device allows you to sense fairy magic and trail it. Target a player to find out if they're using any
bizarre abilities. You will then discover who that player visited during that phase.
--- [Heat-Seeking Fairy Suit] - don this outfit and you'll be able to detect even the tiniest and most invisible fairies. Target a player and you will receive a list of whoever visited them at the end of the phase. This ability will bypass
Ninja passives.
--- [Crocker Virus] - a computer virus which you invented that basically destroys the software of any computer you hack this into. Target a player to hack their role with this virus. The player's passive abilities will be disabled for a cycle.
[Passive - Varying Intellegience] - Mr. Denzel Crocker is a man of high intellect while at the same time being a complete dumbass. Whether he is a genius or an idiot is entirely dependent on the plot. If you participate in a scum lynch, you will be a genius until the next lynch. If you participate in a town lynch, you will be an idiot until the next lynch. Genius mode gives Denzel several perks to use to his advantage. Idiot mode gives him absolutely nothing. The Genius mode perks can be found below.
--- [Anti-Mind Reading Helmet] - one of your crazy inventions again. This is a passive ability that automatically unlocks during Genius mode. With this helmet on, you will be unable to be redirected in any shape or form.
--- [Crocker Pot] - it's a trap! Another wacky invention that this time traps any visiting players allowing you to learn their character name. You can place the Crocker Pot on yourself or another player of your choice.
[Active - Class Time Kids!] - As a 5th-grade teacher, Denzel has the authority to assign a class for his students. During the day phase, pick 9 players who you wish to attend class. You must also create a
Pop Quiz of 3 questions. Those 3 questions can be anything that you find important. During the following night, you and those 9 players will participate in a night chat where you will discuss the Pop Quiz you have created.
At the end of the night, you will have to assign grades. There are only two options: A and F. Only one player can receive each of these grades so a total of two.
--- [Ayyyyy lmao] - choose one player from that night chat to give an A to for the best performance on the Pop Quiz. That player will receive double-action for the following cycle.
--- [Give em an Eoufff] - choose a second player to give a grade F to for the worst performance on the Pop Quiz. The player will have their actions be role blocked for the following cycle.
--- [Homework] - the remaining 7 players will automatically receive homework to complete by the end of the next cycle. The player will be given the choice to complete or not do the homework. If they choose to do it, nothing happens to them. If they choose not to do it, however, you will learn the name of their character.
[Conditional Active - FAIRY! GOD! PARENTS!] - In the event that Denzel gains at least 3 votes on him during the day phase, he may use this ability to go on spams screaming FAIRY GOD PARENTS!!! As a result, a random voter against him will be frightened and have their vote be forcibly removed from you. They will not be told that this happened to them.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town.