@Pantheos for a legitimate answer.
I see definitely where you're coming from, someone like myself on the other side sees things slightly differently but it is an interesting convo.
For example I'd see
@ShishioIsBack post an interesting argument like something about Zoro's speed in the last 2 chapters and I'd think to myself "he makes a good point" but then to see someone just come in and downplay ruins the whole dialogue which I'm sure he would be trying to have and a poster can simply ruin by making a moronic comment like "beetle gifter ggs" which will then spiral out of control with Sanji being mentioned then toxic posting starts, and as you mentioned the cycle begins.
Maybe for right now there is no answer to the toxicity we'll just be having to deal with it lol.
Always open to explain and discuss things :)
You need to keep in mind the different point of views. You as Part of your fandom (and this isn’t meant in any form negatively) have a specific point of view, where you easier overlook the „own“ trolling and maybe overreact to the others. With you I don’t mean specifically you. But the same problem has the „other side“. My point of view is seeing all these trolls, maybe from my side, I oversee trolling in favor of kid (if so, sorry), but so far I didn’t saw it that hard. Also, some fun trolling can always be, but as always, the dose makes the poison.
In your example, i didn’t read his argument, but assuming he didn’t wrote it provocating and wanted a real discussion about it (which needs different point of views), then you guys should just report the trolling answers and let us deal with it. Also overlook them, answering to the trolls or even countertroll is never any kind of solution, it is part of the problem. So, report and ignore the trolls. There are always people willing to discuss, even they have a different opinion. Trust me, I had these a lot here, cause my bias is pretty different then for the most of the people here.
Also, for every troll of the others to Shishio for example, there is the same from the Zoro fandom. As example, yesterday someone wrote he expected more damage by Zoro and argued that, without trolling or provocating, and the answer was „did Zoro fuck your girlfriend or why do you hate him? Get lost.“
I don’t call names here, but it happens a lot, sadly.
We can just deal with it, do our work here (for some people think we are biased as hell, prefer some fandom over another, some people think we were their personal army, dunno) and can appeal to people like you, people willing to discuss and listen, to stay away from the trolling, to do your Part of keeping it civil.