Powers & Abilities Is Oden's haki inside Enma?

Is Oden's haki inside Enma?

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First off, agreed that haki sucks, it's pure bullshit.

Second, we know Enma is a greedy sword, it takes all the haki it can get and more. Oden had Enma since he was 9 and grew to be a beast that he could freely pour his haki and be fine. Don't know if Enma can store haki but I can't dismiss it doesn't have residual haki from Oden since Kaido keeps bringing Oden up with Enma non-stop. It was also the only sword to cut Kaido in Zoro's dragon twister even though he used all three.

Third, saw a theory that the reason the Scabbard could cut Kaido his because they inherited Oden's will and willpower = haki or some shit like that so they have his haki. Reason why I don't want to dismiss this theory is because we know how close the Scabbards were with Oden and so when they inherited his will, they also got his haki that allowed them to cut Kaido's skin plus Kaido's comment. Haki sucks.

Oden wanted to beat Kaido and open Wano, I think after those are done we'll stop hearing about Oden's haki completely and Enma will be 100% Zoro's sword, probably a weaker version but Zoro will make it strong again with his own strength. It feels like Oda is going with Hero wants to beat Villian > Hero dies > Followers and swords gain his power > New Hero comes and is capable to wield sword > New Hero beats Villain > Hero rest.
First off, agreed that haki sucks, it's pure bullshit.

Second, we know Enma is a greedy sword, it takes all the haki it can get and more. Oden had Enma since he was 9 and grew to be a beast that he could freely pour his haki and be fine. Don't know if Enma can store haki but I can't dismiss it doesn't have residual haki from Oden since Kaido keeps bringing Oden up with Enma non-stop. It was also the only sword to cut Kaido in Zoro's dragon twister even though he used all three.

Third, saw a theory that the reason the Scabbard could cut Kaido his because they inherited Oden's will and willpower = haki or some shit like that so they have his haki. Reason why I don't want to dismiss this theory is because we know how close the Scabbards were with Oden and so when they inherited his will, they also got his haki that allowed them to cut Kaido's skin plus Kaido's comment. Haki sucks.

Oden wanted to beat Kaido and open Wano, I think after those are done we'll stop hearing about Oden's haki completely and Enma will be 100% Zoro's sword, probably a weaker version but Zoro will make it strong again with his own strength. It feels like Oda is going with Hero wants to beat Villian > Hero dies > Followers and swords gain his power > New Hero comes and is capable to wield sword > New Hero beats Villain > Hero rest.
Completely agree with you. I also hope Oden's Haki/Will would disappear from Enma at the end of Wano so we could have Zoro back and not what we have now.
If it was we will knew about it from the start.
Big Mom sensed the swords soul witch is fine since is the queen of souls.
And it is a special sword that let's zoro throw big amounts of haki and not just coated as he does with his other swords.
Zoro huffing after using it means exactly that.
I mean at least zoro should tell us if he feels extra haki to his sword and he hasn't said anything.
On a side note if zoro had shusui it will be awesome fussing Emma's power with the other swords... Crazy stuff.
Sorry for my English..


Talent is something you make bloom.
Third panel we see the "dragon" Zoro creates for his attack.
There we can clearly see that only Enma have the more "darkened" aura around it.
And just because Zoro's attack uses the 3 swords, it doesn't mean that all 3 need to connect with its target.
Also is hard to say that "the 3 swords could have hit the exactly same spot", due to the swords positioning.
As things stands, Zoro used a 3 sword move, but only Enma managed to cut Kaido's scales.
No wonder Kaido later mentions just Oden's sword.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Lol, yet Zoro himself is unaware of this and hardens all three blades for some reason. Or Enma doesn't draw enough Haki so it's important to make sure he wastes it otherwise.

Shirataki, Tostuka, Modoki... three of Oden's attacks and none of them have the same aura. But yeah that must be it
True. I don't believe that Zoro is thinking "I'm gonna milk this Oden's Haki".
Oden's attacks dont have that aura because it was Oden himself using the sword.
Now we have someone else using it.
I don't know how much this "oden's aura/will" is actually having some kind of actual gain for Zoro's attacks. But Oda flashes Enma out A LOT. "I need to release Enma more", using Enma for that slash that cut the mountain horn, now Kaido recognizing Enma as Oden's sword, the Big Mom "that's no ordinary sword".
What I think is happening: Zoro is gonna get compared to Oden for some time. It MIGHT be only for this fight, or it might extend for a while.
The reason for that is, Zoro has currently 2 breakpoints regarding Oden.
1- Opening Kaido's scar. When he does it, that's when Oda will say "Zoro is now equal to Oden".
2- Turning Enma into a permanent black blade. That's when Oda will say "Zoro is now SUPERIOR to Oden".

So, until that second breakpoint is reached, Oden is still gonna me mentioned and used as a measurement for Zoro's growth.
It might be just until the end of this fight, or maybe it will carry over for another fight. That I don't have a very solid opinion on. But the rest seems to be they way we are heading.
This is funny. Even with the official translation you still try to twist Oda words to fit your agenda.

Kaido stated the haki is strange. Who's haki is strange to Kaido? Zoro, because he has never fought Zoro before so his haki will be unfamiliar to him.

Oden's haki is very familiar to Kaido so he wouldn't call it strange haki. Instead, he would have just said Oden's haki.

:steef:Zoro is the source of that strange haki
Zoro has Oden's presence in him

That's how fanboys read the chapter

When the blade has more hype than the user lol
A blacksmith, I want to stand the sword I have created dangerous swords before, explains how enma works.

He never stated that the sword retains the previous user haki. The strange haki is Zoro's haki. That's the unfamiliar haki.

Third panel we see the "dragon" Zoro creates for his attack.
There we can clearly see that only Enma have the more "darkened" aura around it.
And just because Zoro's attack uses the 3 swords, it doesn't mean that all 3 need to connect with its target.
Also is hard to say that "the 3 swords could have hit the exactly same spot", due to the swords positioning.
As things stands, Zoro used a 3 sword move, but only Enma managed to cut Kaido's scales.
No wonder Kaido later mentions just Oden's sword.
So you are telling me that a technique, which requires all three of Zoro's swords to create, only cut Kaido because of one of the swords that was used.


What's even funnier is when Zoro cut Kaido nobody said enma cut. They gave all the credit to Zoro.

Enma does not enhance Zoro's haki. The most it does is make it easier for Zoro to gather more haki for only one sword, enma. It was Zoro's haki and strength that cut Kaido. Zoro doesn't need enma to cut Kaido.

The purpose behind Oda giving enma to Zoro is to increase his haki control, amount and strength. It does that by making it harder for Zoro to control his haki. Oda hinted at Zoro's ability to cut Kaido way back during Punk Hazard, when he cut a dragon. Then he gave us an idea of Zoro's monster strength when he cut Pica largest golem during Dressrosa.