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Imagine DragonBall cutting to some bullshit after Goku turned super saipan. Imagine when Lee went 8 gates if they cut to some scrubs fighting. Oda is trash at this aspect and always has been. Dude off screened reverie
It's just how it is when you have so much stuff happening simultaneously. In the super saiyan example you still had to go through all the fights with Frieza's forces before but when Frieza became the main enemy it focused on him until the end.

With Oda he pretty much always has conflicts happening at the same time and only focuses on the main fight once it reaches a point where it will lead to the climax.

I understand it's frustrating but honestly after years of seeing the Straw Hats not get much attention after the time skip, i'm just glad that it seems all of them could get their time to shine during this arc.
Of course, Oda also chose the worst possible moment to leave us hanging and blueballed :seriously:
We don't really know that. Just because she was running away from Killer doesn't mean that she isn't a fighter. Maybe she is a swordswoman and she didn't have a sword at that moment. She could be stronger than what she looks as we don't know if Denjirou trained her or not.

It's just an absurd theory without any proof of that but it's a possibility.
It's indeed absurd


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
I've been thinking for a while that the rooftop battle isn't nearly the end of the fight. Something happens and the battle shifts on mainland Wano.

Basically, Hybrid Kaido breaks Sandai, which gives Zoro a great reason to get Nidai (especially due to the interest he had in it in the beginning of the arc) from Tengu.

Not only this, if that 10th person really is the person from 982, who has a similar kimono to the person talking to Crocus 350 chapters ago, and also happens to be Shimtsuki Kozaburo (returning to Wano for x reason), then he can explain Zoro's Shimotsuki Lineage. Nobody else really can in Wano because they don't know Zoro.

Its a stretch, but this could be a decent way to do all of this for the character.
This implies that the battle gets suspended for maybe days, or requires extremely convoluted circumstances. Under non convoluted circumstances, Zoro will need to:
  • Get his bearings wherever he got lost
  • Meet up with Hitetsu
    • Convince him to bequeath the Nidai Kitetu
  • Test out the new sword
  • Make his way to wherever the Kaido fight is taking place

The above will generally take several days, and I'm not sure why Mama, Kaido and their armies would do nothing in the interim.

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