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Sanji vs King or Queen
Jinbe vs WsW
Franky vs Sasaki
Robin vs BM
Nami and Usopp vs Pageone and Ulti
What happen with Brook and Chopper? Who they gonna facing?
I'd say:
- Sanji vs King
- Jinbei vs Queen
- Yamato vs Jack
- Franky vs Sasaki
- Brook vs WsW
- Robin vs Black Maria
- Nami + Usopp vs Ulti + Page One
- Chopper vs A Number(Maybe the Ace or something)

This makes more sense to me.


You can't win
Usopp uses "Hissatsu: Kibi Dango Star" to shoot dango into the Gifters' mouths, turning Sasaki's Armored Division into their allies. Sasaki is confused why his troops turned against him, Franky takes this chance to attack.

Franky Shougun uses a new attack called "Fran Blade: Victory V Flash". With a sword that emits light, Franky Shougun slashs Sasaki. The attack hits Sasaki directly and blood comes out.
Seems like Sasaki got hit due to a distraction(his troops turning against him). Still it's nice to see Franky's new attack :fransuper:


Dont know why you try to clown Sanji?
He has sworn to never hit women. Surely he wont beat Maria. But it is also mentioned he beat all men in that room. So he has beaten them, while at the same time also dodge all attacks by women and make sure to dont hit them. No need to play him down. Get Robin there, she will deal with Black Maria, Sanji can get his male enemy and will shine.

Respect to every Strawhat! (inlcuding Yamato :D)
I don't need him to beat women, i need him to LEAVE THIS PLACE. And he has every reason to be able to, he can go fucking invisible and speed blitz this motherfuckers. Why doesn't he do it? because this shit is trash and annoying.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Just one thing to the "Lanji escaped from Page One, while Franky here making Sasaki bleed" gang.

Law, Usopp AND Franky also ran away instead of helping out.:kayneshrug:
While Sanji held him off for them.
These ungrateful people I tell you....:hihihi:
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