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Zoro Worshipper
Daily reminder that Sanji vs King will happen
Chrono this chapter just showed that the odds have got lessened.

King is still busy with Marco (virtually surely) and nothing suggests that Marco will just let him go for now.

Furthermore Yamato could be the one to take King on.

Also which King? A nerfed one from the concurrent fight?
Yeah, let them get basic Haki first. We're talking about physical opponents. When Luffy beat guys like Enel, Crocodile he did it because he had a counter (water/blood & rubber) and they were not physical fighters.
I understand the argument but they have their own ways to fight. Haki doesn't have to always be the answer. Franky probably has seastones, Brook cuts your soul, Robin would be broken with CoA.
Them needing to beat them isn't an excuse for this being good story telling but whatever.

It is quite clear now that everyone bar Luffy got powercreeped to where they should be at right now because Oda realized he fucked up by making Post Skip the Luffy show and having him be the only one that had a natural power progression.

Yes, im including Zoro in this.

He was powercrept. And that's understandable but let's not act like this is good story telling in itself, Post skip was a mess.
Not disagreeing with it but like you said... It's for everyone bar Luffy. Just pointed out that they don't need haki with the strange fighting styles like Nami is using
I understand the argument but they have their own ways to fight. Haki doesn't have to always be the answer. Franky probably has seastones, Brook cuts your soul, Robin would be broken with CoA.
Dude I'm sorry but there is a limit. I can understand Luffy with a good counter taking some higher up guys without Haki, but this is just fucking absurd.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Not disagreeing with it but like you said... It's for everyone bar Luffy. Just pointed out that they don't need haki with the strange fighting styles like Nami is using
I could see Nami and Usopp pulling a win if they get help from some of the Headliners Tama brought under her control.
Man if these sanjistans weren't so stubborn and toxic, i'd probably root for him as well. But y'all just gotta be dicks rooting for a subpar character.

You can't admit he's mediocre... And that's the problem
"I would root for him if his fans weren’t rooting for him"... Yeah, makes sense. Let people enjoy the character if they like him, instead of telling them who they should like.
Let say this:
Jinbe win extrem high diff against WsW
Franky win extrem high diff against Sasaki
Robin wim extrem high diff against BM
Are this mean Franky and Robin are Jinbe lvl? Since the three flyers should be around the same lvl with WsW leading the group. However Jinbe is almost equal to Doflamingo in terms of pl. Do you want to tell me that End Wano Robin and End Wano Franky can match someone as Doflamingo/Jinbe?

Powerwise I look forward for the fights since these would hold a big impact to the powerlvls..
Are we close to a future where we can say Franky and Robin going becaming near high veteran/yc4lvl or at least close to Jinbe?
As I said Jinbe is the equal to Doflamingo(high-extrem diff lose though), the new powerscaling gonna be interesting.
I'm starting to think Brook is taking over Jinbe's fight. Either Brook is with Robin for Black Maria, or hes going to Jinbe. Both were heading to the mansion, so really those are the only options at the moment.

Really depends on how that "mystery" between WsW and Jinbe is resolved.
Them needing to beat them isn't an excuse for this being good story telling but whatever.

It is quite clear now that everyone bar Luffy got powercreeped to where they should be at right now because Oda realized he fucked up by making Post Skip the Luffy show and having him be the only one that had a natural power progression.

Yes, im including Zoro in this.

He was powercrept. And that's understandable but let's not act like this is good story telling in itself, Post skip was a mess.
I think you meant pre time skip, post time skip crew has spent more time training than sailing, pre time crew went from getting neg diffed by CP9 to beating them in less than a day.
BM was trying to attack a dazed Luffy not Zoro.
Exactly idiot, Zoro was fast enough to pick up luffy and get away.
Post automatically merged:

Yeah never happened to other SHs before... Nope never we have seen PIS

Not that I disagree that he is awesome. But that means commanders are shit now if you may beat them 1 on 1... You know like Luffy against Katakuri. Seems like everyone fan beat them now. Even all other SNs... Like Capone who shitted himself against Katakuri
Capone not doing what Zoro is doing. Getting praised by Youkous and hurting them. Capone was getting destroyed by BM.
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