And if several scum are immune to normal shots, why even bother having them as such if a dedicated town killing role can bypass it?
Wouldn’t the fact that several scum are Iron ,AKA bullet-proof, be evidence enough of a super-Kill to be in town’s hands?
Plus, assuming that scum themselves have protections that they can utilize to shield themselves from a vig when and if necessary, a super-kill would again be advantageous for town to have in their possession.
Of course it’s going to be x-shot. And assuming that the vig was thinking that Usopp surviving a Lynch must mean he’s an extremely powerful scum, using a super-Kill on usopp isn’t that far fetched.
I’m not against the idea of scum super-killing usopp. But my reasoning for that to not be the case is as Light pointed out before, scum would gain more from Usopp being in the game than not simply because the suspicion on him from yesterday’s failed kill would continue today.
Are you trying to get modkills here or something?
No, lol. I was thinking players can vouch for another without actually claiming in the traditional sense. But it’s fine, I’ll drop it.
we also prove that we should never be using this pairing mechanic, or even making partners with one another, ever again, because it's purely anti-town. Anyone who then pushes us to do otherwise can be safely considered Anti-town.
But the host just posted that if we don’t use partners, the same partners as yesterday would be chosen.
I really think this is a forced game mechanic. Winning and losing the challenges may have more scum favored outcomes, but completely discarding the dances isn’t really necessary at the moment imo.
Poison? What happened to your last DP sus?
Did something change your mind?
Yes. Seeing Fuji and Usopp both flip town and having poison as their suspect makes me wanna go after poison. I also agree with them that last day phase poison might have been pretending to contribute by asking those questions.
Her push on Beta this day phase is the first genuine push I’ve seen from her. And if we are following Ratchet’s opinion that Usopp’s kill was because of Mafia, and Usopp and Fuji were the ones mainly suspicious of poison, maybe Usopp was killed by Poison.
@Lindltaylor I did that all day yesterday and you had no complaints against it then, you were stuck with the independent post. What happened suddenly? And please questioning us the basics of mafia, just because it is not effective right away it is not baseless.
I wasn’t stuck on the independent thing. You were the one who kept questioning me only about that.
This is about the Poison suspicion right? I forgot why I quoted this lmao.