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Why Yamato vs Jack is not going to happen and why most of the worstgen members don't have brain cells;

- Yamato doesn't even know that the Scabbards are on the second floor, let alone that Jack is heading there to kill them LOL smh.
- Yamato is protecting Momo and Shinobu. She's also in a safer place with them. She can't just leave Momo and Shinobu unprotected. Also, taking them to the second floor gonna put momo in great danger.
- Sanji is on the third floor. He's the closest to the Scabbards which are on the second floor.
- Sanji showed concern for the Scabbards last chapter. It makes sense that the first thing he would do after being saved by Brook is to go down and protect the scabbards + Hiyori ( a female).
- Both Jack and Sanji got defeated/ lost their first-round + injured.
- How both characters are connected to the Zou incident.

Only reason people want Yamato vs Jack is that he gets eliminated as sanji's opponent.. but in the end everyone will get eliminated with nothing left for sanji :myman:


Talent is something you make bloom.
That's just pure speculation. Plus, why didn't she go there in the first place?
Because she was trying to flee Onigashima.
That plan got....ahem....blown up in the air. You know, when Kaido decided to lift the entire island. :P
Now she got spotted and might need another place to hide him.
Not saying it wont affect him.
But unless it's something like "I invented the method he used on your mom to give birth to his precious perfect soldiers", I don't see him caring at all. "Dont call me that" and that's it. That's the most I expect him to react.
But that’s not how drama works

If Sanji doesn’t care then we the readers don’t care so the actual story being told starts not to matter

This is my entire argument from Act 1 as to why Zoro has no secret heritage in Wano or whatever. Zoro doesn’t care. In fact no one in the story cares about it. So it won’t happen. Oda is not such an amateur to create plot point where no character in the plot CARES ABOUT IT.

If Sanji doesn’t care about the Queen Judge connection then the audience won’t care about it so it’s an entirely useless plot point. Someone has to care about it or else Oda won’t put it there. And Only Sanji can care about this.

for you to say Sanji shrugs this off, it’s the equivalent of when Saitama is facing some opponent in One punch man and the opponent starts giving a speech about their plan and backstory and saitama shouts “Explain yourself in 20 words or less”. The story is telling us that this isn’t important since Saitama doesn’t care so we shouldn’t care. But the reason this happens in One punch man and not One piece is because that’s comedy, not drama. Drama doesn’t work like that
If Robin and Brook face BM alone it mean it need two strong strawhats to match one flyer.
And we can agree the flyers where almost in same lvl with WsW facing Jinbe who is the strongest character after the monster trio of the strawhats.

In that case
Nami+Usopp vs Ulti
Robin+Brook vs BlackMaria
Chopper 1on1 Pageone?? Let be honest that don´t sound right, Pageone is at the same lvl as these above, it make sense if Chopper get also help.
The only strawhats who probably face alone a Flyer are right now Franky(haki upgrade coming soon?) and Jinbe, since these two are the most strongest strawhats after the monstertrio.


Cope Doctor
> He used the poison to make things faster. Villains aren't supposed to play fair, the fact is he did the job in eradicating Zou
> In terms of fighting ability, Inu and Neko were taking turns on him every 12hours, and they still couldn't get the upperhand on base / zoan Jack, when Jack wasn't even using hybrid(his strongest form)
> Even top tiers would get defeated by an admiral and fleet admiral in a 2vs1, so Jack surviving it is impressive
> He had much more reinforcements back in Zou against a weaker army(non sulong minks), yet they were getting destroyed, so the reinforcement he got this time around didn't help in anything but number. Jack is the one who singlehandily destroyed the mink army, and Sulong Inu and Neko vs Jack not only was a 2 vs 1 against an already weakened Jack, but it was off-paneled

And like last chapters further shows, the zoans are in their best form while in hybrid state, something Jack has yet to use, so no he is far from overrated
All those L arent wins... imagine zoro and sanji with such feets, would be considered massive Ls like sanji cracking hes leg
At this point, let's not talk about the ability to measure character powers that Oda has created, he's so bad at this, he'll forget about a character's abilities just for the sake of the plot.
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