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Honestly read some good solid theories on it. I’m like 27% sure Killer will die only to haki bloom Kid.

I admit to wanting day long fights as a bias. Bc tbh, Roger/WB was a three day fight. If all this ends within a couple hours, that’s massive dissapointment for me at least
Agree on the war during only a night

Killer dying? Chances are there... but I don't want to consider it :kuzanope:


Pepebusi Spammer
Well, Franky did get help and managed to get a sneak attack on Sasaki.
But I also always thought Franky was stronger than them. Just so that neither of them are "weak trio", nor "monster trio". So they are just "mid trio".
Jinbe vs Jack is sounds more interesting because of the fishman thingy.
And i think because Whowho is sabertooth which is fast, Brook is the suitable fighter against him too
That is the logic fail with you use here.
Yamato is open but Sanji don´t KNOW it. Sanji even fucking don´t know anything of Yamato.
And BM get stopped by Robin/BM, Jack going now down and Sanji as the only strawhats know about the plan.
He going now down to save them, cut of Yamato since Sanji never meet her.
Sanji will go down, if you like it or not, he will face Jack.
@jmena is a Sanji fan, if he even agree that point something going happen for sure.
Bro, Sanji vs Jack is not going to happen, stop with the Sanji hate.


Talent is something you make bloom.
The moment Oda makes Marco face Perospero is truly the moment I lose all hope and respect to Oda
Truly would be a stupid mangaka all through and through
Hope? For Oda?
People still have that? Lol.

Ok. Dude just gave me one of the scenes I was anticipating the most, which was Robin using a giant hand to smack Black Maria.
I'm gonna throw him a bone and be hopeful for 1 more good chapter.
Best I can do.
You can even cry to your Luffy pillow and I guarantee you that Zoro will still be there.

It's set in stone. Ur bias against Zoro means shit to Oda.
Zoro is one of the main canons against Kaido as much painful as it is to you.

Luffy will not beat a fucking Yonko 1 vs 1 2 weeks after he got one shotted by one.
Zoro is literally my favorite character, like 70% of this forum lmao, so you can stop with the insults. Just because I want Zoro to have an actual serious swordsman fight after nearly 14 years doesn't make me anti-Zoro. You guys need to stop stanning and realize Oda has tendencies in his matchups.

All I've said is to wait how the rooftop match goes. Getting pissy and defensive with me doesn't change the pure fact that anything is game on that rooftop currently. Also, just because you guys don't like something doesn't mean it "won't" happen.
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