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Well Oda letting Luffy run out of haki was clear PIS too, as was L/Z/S not raiding together with the scabbards to arrive at the roof at the same time (and having Law fuck around with poneglyphs waiting for his captain to get to the roof).
Sanji should be able to have sky walked away even with his hands bound.
Lmfao it’s PIS because it goes against Luffytards headcanon? And Sanji not getting to the roof isn’t PIS either because there’s nothing he can do there.
Bro, Sanji vs Jack is not going to happen, stop with the Sanji hate.
Nothing do with Sanji hate, I also said that Sanji still can face Queen later.
But at this point Jack vs Sanji going happen soon, like it or not, bet it and you going to lose.

Jack could use a different route, not forget the rooftop had three doors and the route with Luffy use had only one door. So probably each three route having a different route. As example Kid and Killer never meet BM/WsW with show their are more ways to get at the top.
Jack probably is already in way to take out the Scabbards, as I said nothing against Sanji he probably face later Queen but for now Sanji vs Jack happen most like soon.

Formerly Seth

Zoro is literally my favorite character, like 70% of this forum lmao, so you can stop with the insults. Just because I want Zoro to have an actual serious swordsman fight after nearly 14 years doesn't make me anti-Zoro. You guys need to stop stanning and realize Oda has tendencies in his matchups.

All I've said is to wait how the rooftop match goes. Getting pissy and defensive with me doesn't change the pure fact that anything is game on that rooftop currently. Also, just because you guys don't like something doesn't mean it "won't" happen.
Doesn't matter much what u think. Zoro's goal atm is Kaido. He has a lot to prove against him. Fighting King is pointless unless you want King to die.

Zoro is still on the roof and will be.

Oda won't leave Luffy with frauds like Kidd and Law.
Zoro vs King won't happen, unless King somehow makes it to the rooftop. If Oda wanted to make Zoro vs King happening, he could've done it before Zoro helps the fight against both Yonko. But instead, he made Zoro reached the rooftop along with his captain and other three SN. He's destined to fight the Yonkos, and re-open Kaido's wound. The whole fights scenario could change if Flower Capital becomes the location of final fights, though.
Thats the argument. If Oda wanted to complete or at least "start" the Enma hurting Kaido plotline, he'd have to have Zoro fight Kaido anyway. It doesn't mean it has to be his full blown fight, just that the clash needed to happen and potentially Wano ends with Zoro pulling a Ryuuma on the Yonko after Luffy wins or something.

Any number of factors can make King/Queen involved with Zoro and Sanji, we just have to wait and see. Some fanboys can't even see the possibility because they have their horse blinders on too tight, but everyone should be open to any possibility because its extremely possible the rooftop fight isn't even the final battle anyway.

But if you remotely have that thought, you aren't a Zoro-fan and apparently only a Luffy lover. Amazing thought process by this forum. At least you understand that things can shift, because they can and we have no idea if, when or how they can.
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