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(Ice Oni?) Drake VS (Ice Oni?) Chopper -> Loading
Page One VS Usopp -> Check
Ulti VS Nami -> Check
Black Maria VS Robin -> Check
Sasaki VS Franky -> Check
Who's-Who VS Brook -> Loading
Jack VS Jimbei -> Loading
Queen VS Sanji -> Loading
King VS Zoro -> Loading
Most of the rest are already wrong.

Zoro ended up joining the Yonko vs WG fight, while Jinbei is fighting Who's Who, and Brook is fighting Black Maria with Robin.
Im really looking foward to redon summary cause these are the most confusing spoilers ever.

-50% are information of the last chapter. Like WTF.

-BM information of going back to beat sanji after she already did and said she would kill the scabbards makes 0 sense.

- sanji calling for help after even the subordinates of Black maria say he wouldnt is absurdly wierd and have 0 context. Sanji did that for a reason that was not explained.

So im100% sure that thats not how the chapter with context will look like.
That literally has nothing to do with what I'm saying. If you want to continue to dick suck the character based on circumstance than by all means, that's your prerogative

I hope Zoro "fans" on this site aren't upset when he's shoved aside so Luffy gets his big moments against Kaido. Its what you guys want after all.
At this point in the story still being salty.

If a character isn't fighting to their full capacity then it is PIS and not a fair representation of what they would look like in an isolated serious fight.
If you look at arc end competent Luffy vs. arc start sloppy Luffy the pattern is the same throughout the whole series, it is the very definition of PLOT induced stupidity, as the PLOT hangs off of Luffy not beating the arc villain until the end of the arc.
It's not rocket science.
That’s just who Luffy is like when he tried taking Big Mom’s fire balls head on instead of dodging to compete with Kidd and Law. That’s his CHARACTER. You can’t just dismiss it because you don’t like it. And you have the wrong definition of PIS. It’s not just anything that prevents a fair full powered 1v1. Otherwise Luffy beating Kata and Doffy is PIS too.
Here I go again with a new week enduring the sarcasm from Sanji haters about "Save me Robin" moment!

I better stay low until Sanji vs Calamity moment comes

Sidenote: I'm glad that at least Oda made Robin acknowledge Sanji for trusting her... at least dramatically Oda did not fuck up here Lol and sold the Robin hype to high heaven

Also nice to see Nami immediately knowing why Sanji lost

Anyways, gotta stay hidden for the few next weeks!
Damn you Oda for always using Sanji in those plots!

One day I will travel to Japan and suplex that mother fucker Lol
You're the one who will be suplexed
Im really looking foward to redon summary cause these are the most confusing spoilers ever.

-50% are information of the last chapter. Like WTF.

-BM information of going back to beat sanji after she already did and said she would kill the scabbards makes 0 sense.

- sanji calling for help after even the subordinates of Black maria say he wouldnt is absurdly wierd and have 0 context. Sanji did that for a reason that was not explained.

So im100% sure that thats not how the chapter with context will look like.
You know how spoiler providers get when it comes to summarizing a Sanji scene. Just last week the Arabian providers were saying Sanji got "aroused" from BM 2 weeks ago
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