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Tbh, I can still see it happening. The Ryuuma parallel is uncanny. Not to mention the likely Shimotsuki connection they share (literally Ryuuma, Ushimaru, and Zoro all have a ridiculous uncanny resemblance with their faces).

Now, I've never used that as a measure to prove Zoro HAD to fight Kaido the entire rest of the arc. That was my whole point. Its possible to believe ZKK can happen if we dont apply blind fanboy logic to everything we think may happen with this upcoming Yonko fight.

So far, these matchups have pretty much told me that only the Strawhats seem to be fighting the executives. We now have each F5 distracted by only Strawhats, and now have Sanji and potentially Yamato (assuming she's Strawhat material) free to take on at least 2 of the 3 YCs.

I will NOT discount Zoro vs King because of it. Oda has a tendency to make matchups as clean as possible, and if he's intending to have literally every strawhat get defining moments and fights (add Chopper to Nami/Usopp's fight or just Page 1), then I can see the same logic here. Give any of these fights to people like Drake or Marco and it sort of defeats the purpose that new gen pirates are supposed to surpass these Yonko. With Drake being a Marine and Marco being an old Gen pirate, I just dont think its in their place, but who am I know or judge until things happen.

This to me just "seems" to be the moment where every strawhat will be used to surpass a Kaido executive. If Brook went to fight WsW, I would have been more receptive to a certain someone else fighting King, but no anymore lol. Hes definitely staying with Robin at this point.
I agree with your takes. Oda hasn’t ever deviated from his usual outline and this arc will not be an exception, unless it involves Zoro who’s also had precedence. Given that you’ve also read OP for several years, and your also pushing Zoro v King, that says something.
i just saw the "proof" you claim that negates our theories... before i say anything about that so called "relevant" evidence..

my initial point was about a potential encounter of sanji with jack and how oda can highlight his abilities.. which then would pair against king or queen.. soo what you said has nothing to do with what my initial point was.. or to even praise the clown you're defending.

and now about the "evidence"... queen showing interest in sanji and is key i get why people use that as a proof that they'll fight.. but them smoking... doesn't remotely add to the proof that they'll fight... bith being perverts have no link to them being relevant combat wise.. which you can argue king is more relevant than queen.... half of the canon images have been wasted in vainly portraying your point the only worth considering is Queen's interest in sanji.. which can also be taken as oda tell us that Queen is somehow related to judge.. so that whole panel is ambiguous

Sanji from queer kingdom.. being compared to queen is the biggest disgrace to sanji's dignity let alone the whole comparison being relevant

i could say Queen is a cyborg but Franky didn't fight him.... when both aren't even remotely like eachother when it comes to combat

so all in all most of what that did was wasting his time scrolling through irrelevant chapters making concerning and irrelevant comparison thay aren't even combat related in the first place

King is an aerial combatant so is sanji... they both use kicks dominantly and derive they main power (flames) from their emotions they have already clashed before.. and they set combat skills are neck in neck parallel.. which unlike queen isn't even remotely parallel.. one could argue that if a fight between swordsmen is a sight to watch then a fight between 2 combatants, excelling at similar skills, should be too.. after kicking Jack's ass sanji will establish is notoriety in what he does making king to fight seriously...

sometimes you don't need (irrelevant) canon panels to justify your point... just logic... tho i won't mid sanji vs queen but king overall is more relevant. thx for reading :)
You think that sanji can mid diff a calamity , Nobody needs to prove that, It just wont happen. There even a big doubt if sanji cant beat king at full strength let alone when injured. King is a yonkos first mate hes not jabra or any of the scrubs sanji fought in the past.

Like i said. What you are saying is ridiculous and you dont realize it, Sanji cant mid diff jack or beat king while injured

P.S canon panels > your headcanon

for you to take a running gag that sanji will go berserk after he sees okiku's missing arm.... is straight up pathetic..
I understand but see the difference.

Scabbards got their "shining moment" of hope. Busted out all they have in their arsenal and Kaido was still disappointed.

Novas barely showed their full capabilities and Kaido praised them + Big Mom told Kaido to dodge Zoro's attack once and she confirms in 1003 that Zoro cut him.

Scabbards's performance was never meant to matter in the grand scheme of things and everyone should understand this at this point or they are reading Juan Piece like noodle where Denjiro is a Yonko Commander. It was flashy, not successful. Literal stall for novas to arrive on the roof.

Novas are getting started and Kaido already considered turning Hybrid. During Scabbards fight, he was drunk in dragon form ad didn't care.

Once he thought it's enough of this playground he demolished them. Might still happen to Novas too but I think Novas are already way more impressive.
I agree with you almost on everything, and im sure the SN Will be way more of a problem than the scabbards.

I Just dont think that they look WAY more impressive than the scabbards until now, i think they look quite better , but still a LOT since they are 5 and not 9 and they are Fighting 2 not 1 yonko.

About kaido going hibryd i see as like what Lucci did in water sever, both kaido and Lucci were not pushed back to turn into hybrid, they just did by choice, kaido was really Fine after ALL the hints he received..

and when kaido "fought" in his base form against the SN he didint atacked anyone but Luffy, and when he did even luffy using FS got hit. For the rest he was just wanting to receive atacks from them. So the TRUE is he didint even fought the SN in base form..he decides to go to dragon form...that is when he always looked worst, against oden, scabbards, luffy in the First fight and now against the SN.


Yamato really is the only available person. Literally no one else unless we expect Hawkins to be a charitable savior some brand new character to show up.
I hope that too but he is far away. he was discovered that might lead to Jack changing his target to Momo. killing momo is more important for the beast pirates than killing the red scabbards
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