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I actually hope Sanji vs Jack will happen
-base nerfed Sanji beats healed up Jack in his hybrid without using Raid Suit
-then proceeds to beat either King or Queen with a Raid Suit because he's too nerfed in base
after letting a flying 6 member to beat him up and fighting Jack
I actually hope Sanji vs Jack will happen
-base nerfed Sanji beats healed up Jack in his hybrid without using Raid Suit
-then proceeds to beat either King or Queen with a Raid Suit because he's too nerfed in base
after letting a flying 6 member to beat him up and fighting Jack
I want Sanji to go through what Luffy went through WCI....but do it in a easier way lmao
If Jack and Sanji do face, no way Sanji will look bad. Whilst Jack lost a real fight, Sanji had his weakness exploited by Oda just for him to get stalled. Even though Sanji doesnt look bad as Jack currently, Oda still owes him more. Plus Jack is a person weaker than Sanji's true opponent, so Oda needs to make Sanji look stronger. Jack is a perfect toy to make it seem that way.

Yall dont hold your breath for Jack, he's getting squashed by Sanji. Especially since Sanji feels like he wasted so much time, he'll be pissed af if someone stands in his way.
Whether he fights jack or can sanji squish him?

Formerly Seth

Im not gonna lie i do think zoro Will fight king too and land a final hit on kaido too.

Did you read my theory about zoro?
Didn't see that.

I just laugh at the paper because he rates fight with Commander more than Zoro showing off against Kaido.

King vs Zoro will bring nothing special at this point. King vs Zoro is a tale from before Zoro reached the roof for me.

Zoro is one of the main canons on the roof.

Zoro going down to fight King is like 40% of the AP going off.
Yes the ground level is better than the roof top we can see a very intense 1v1 sanji versus spider web, So exciting
The sequence of Franky versus Sasaki with intervention of Nami and Usopp is already more dynamic and entertaining than said uninspered mess. Personally, the only thing I want to see up there is Kaido's hybrid design, but I'm ready for disappointment considering how bad Drake's hybrid looks. For the rest, everything in the roof top is wasted potential and even absurdities.
I just try to apply some sort of logic to what I'm seeing. The only thing that truly has bothered me about Zoro directly fighting Yonko at this point is that Oda never really allowed Zoro to have some key moments that proved he was ready to do so, unlike Luffy.
Oda has kept post timeskip Zoro away from a serious fight. We never really saw how strong he truly was. Though, it has to be said that he was acknowledged by Fujiora, a naval admiral. And the people who respect the admirals know that they are top tier monsters.

Oda will use the excuse of Zoro never really going all out. Then Zoro also trained with Enma, meaning that he grew from his precedent level (and we don't know what that level is since we never saw him go all out). Oda is probably playing on this ambiguity.

I totally understand wanting him to have serious fights post timeskip to better see his level and him showing an organic growth.

I was previously against the idea but at this point Zoro coming out of the timeskip stronger than Luffy is not so far fetched to think anymore.
Id honestly love that.

If Oda entirely changes the who's and how's of the commander fights (keeps Marco fighting King, Sanji vs Queen, Drake or someone else vs Jack, Yamato vs Smoothie), id be entirely down for that.

My only gripe is that he hasn't brought the BMP into the conflict (yet) and only Strawhats are seemingly fighting the beast pirates.

One theory i had was Sword arriving and it comprised of Koby, Helmeppo, Hancock and her crew (allied due to Luffy) and a few others and they handled the BMP. Id love to see Hancock vs Smoothie too. That would also be sick.
Could you imagine if Sword, Hancock, Vivi/Sabo emerged? :shocking:
Hancock vs Smoothie is a wet dream. I'd love to see this fight.
But I'm pretty sure Hancock will be shipped back to Marygeoise.
This way Luffy wages War on the WG for its slavery and atrocities,
without it seeming contrived.
Id honestly love that.

If Oda entirely changes the who's and how's of the commander fights (keeps Marco fighting King, Sanji vs Queen, Drake or someone else vs Jack, Yamato vs Smoothie), id be entirely down for that.

My only gripe is that he hasn't brought the BMP into the conflict (yet) and only Strawhats are seemingly fighting the beast pirates.

One theory i had was Sword arriving and it comprised of Koby, Helmeppo, Hancock and her crew (allied due to Luffy) and a few others and they handled the BMP. Id love to see Hancock vs Smoothie too. That would also be sick.
Bru what you said I been saying. It would make the most sense. Everything you said in detail I already mentioned in previous spoiler threads even about boa fighting smoothie. It just makes sense.

Sword consisting of

koby,helmeppo, fujutora show up.

Marco vs fujitora

Boa vs smoothie

Koby vs hawkins

Helmeppo and brook vs pageone
Didn't see that.

I just laugh at the paper because he rates fight with Commander more than Zoro showing off against Kaido.

King vs Zoro will bring nothing special at this point. King vs Zoro is a tale from before Zoro reached the roof for me.

Zoro is one of the main canons on the roof.

Zoro going down to fight King is like 40% of the AP going off.
Page 80, read If you can. And give an honest opinion even If you hate It. Haha. 😁
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