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How do we know Jack had bandages for 5 days again? I don't remember.

How does the bandage thing means Zoro beats hypothetical all out Jack easily(low diff)?

I don't think Oda will draw that but like i said you guys are free to disagree with me.
Cause he still had bandages when BM was talling to Kaido for first time. The sccabards are not Zoro. Lol Zoro attack power would destroy Jack.
anyways no mustache
Bruh, if you did exactly what I told you to do (check the lines on the drawing to see that the lines actually leave the guys face like an actual mustache would or are too close to his nose), you'd see.

Anyway, mustache or not, he has the same top face as Zoro, its drawn exactly the same proportions. He doesn't draw other male characters the same way
Bruh, if you did exactly what I told you to do (check the lines on the drawing to see that the lines actually leave the guys face like an actual mustache would or are too close to his nose), you'd see.

Anyway, mustache or not, he has the same top face as Zoro, its drawn exactly the same proportions. He doesn't draw other male characters the same way
agree to disagree :queenhear:


You got a weird ass scenario up there lol.
It sounds like Sanji is the one having ancient zoan rather than Jack with super recovery lmao.

It's either Sanji vs Jack as the final match up, or he move to Queen before finished with Jack assuming someone interupt this fight.
Jack beating Jack serves no purpose
For what reasons?
Yamato should save sanji from Jack?

So Jack gets to beat Sanji
King and Queen gets to do what? Best nobody (exceor Drake offguard)
Cause he still had bandages when BM was talling to Kaido for first time. The sccabards are not Zoro. Lol Zoro attack power would destroy Jack.
I'm not saying Zoro wouldn't beat jack soundly in a neutral battledome setting based on feats,just that if Oda were to draw the fight,I think he certainly will not portray it as anything easy(low-mid diff) if we see how Oda drew Luffy saying he needs to go G4 against Ulti's grab or Apoo not being destroyed immediately against Casual Zoro and Drake.

Oda knows Kaido is stronger than Zoro and can thus afford to draw Kaido being wounded early on against Zoro as the Kaid can take on the beating. Jack on the other hand can't take the amount of punishment Kaido takes and thus I think Oda will go another way with the fight where Jack attempts to dodge/ block preserving the aura of difficulty in the fight.

As of now,I don't see Oda drawing a fight between current Zoro and any calamity as being an easy one where Zoro just low-mid diffs but that's just me,you are free to disagree with my opinion.
So Jack gets to beat Sanji
King and Queen gets to do what? Best nobody (exceor Drake offguard)
Wouldn´t that made your theory from the past coming true with Jack having the best potential while beeing just 28?
Jack in one side is very important for Kaido, but alsoo Yamato 28 is and important for Kaido.
You said it for all the laast months, saying Jack is the most important member of Kaido, aren´t you said it?
morj's issue isnt exactly his fault
he expects oda to tie everything in
just like the luffy jack fight he kept calling for cause luffy said he will defeat jack. I fear the same will be the problem with his raid failing theory.
He just expect Oda to do what Oda wanted to do, but for some reasons Oda has to change his plans...
For exapmle, if Luffy would have fought Jack, the Chapter 1000 wouldn't have been facing Kaido...
Now It's clear why Zoro is on the roof, so he doesn't witness sanji crying for help in onigashima.
Yeah the price to take back Sanji is too big to pay !
Now Zoro & Luffy have to fight 2 Yonkos instead of one. If you add to that Sanji is now begging Robin to save him ... Zoro might feel that he's nothing more than a hindrance for the crew when he's supposed to be a big support for the Alliance.
morj's issue isnt exactly his fault
he expects oda to tie everything in
just like the luffy jack fight he kept calling for cause luffy said he will defeat jack. I fear the same will be the problem with his raid failing theory.
The guys got good theories, but he's still oddly adamant about Wano bring 200 chapters lol. And Im sure that entirely falls on this idea that the raid is supposed to fully fail.

I don't think Oda would have built as much of a climax to the final battle if he intended them to fail, he would have done it much quicker instead of wasting 30 chapters on the current raid.

The WORST I see happening is the rooftop group loses temporarily, and even that can't last forever.
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