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πŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…»πŸ…° πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…³πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…³
We could be reading hybrid kaido vs the worst trio and the murderous duo but instead we get to see sanji being humiliated for the millionth time.
Brook is facing different character, if you're expecting a tag team on Black Maria, you're setting yourself for a disappointment... all SH memeber will get their 1 vs 1 this arc
except MAYBE Nami and Usopp will be 2 vs 2 or later becomes 1 vs 1... either way, NO 2 vs 1 in any of their fight, except for Kaido and Big Mom
Uh, I think that's the reverse for you man. Firstly, I wouldn't be disappointed. Any matchup is fine with me. Secondly, the spoilers are entirely indicating they are tagging Black Maria. If Oda had the intention of sending Brook somewhere else, he probably would have already.

Im not sure why people are using headcanon to determine if Brook is going somewhere else when he's right here and the spoilers indicate he's fighting with Robin
Smoker hasn't appeared in like 300 chapters
He became like this by fans because in one arc, Oda overused the L on Smoker, starting from Law, then Gender swap, then Luffy beat him in Tachigi's body, then Vergo, then Doffy...

That was TOO excessive for one arc, that it stuck in Fans mind and he truly now is not considered as a threat by MANY FANS...
The same smoker who pre-skip was scholding Luffy non-stop... became at the rock bottom by fans from one single arc...
Wano's gonna go on for at least another 2 years at this rate
Lol pretty much. Honestly the last 2 chapters were expected, they were things we knew were coming and had to happen. Now they are over and we can move on to the next surprising thing or something else we expect. Fights will probably last the rest the year at least, I don't see it happening quick, especially when all 3 calamities have no definitive matchups yet.
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