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Talent is something you make bloom.
In case of Enma Zoro at the very least needs to tame it, he needs to have strong enough will to use the blade, while Sanji just has the access to raid suit because of his family.

When it comes to the raid suit then I alredy said everything here. 👇👇👇👇
I dont like the RS that much.
I hate Enma.
Both are staying.
I just accepted it, so should you. You don't have to like it, though. :kayneshrug:
he only landed 2 kicks with the RS and without DJ or haki etc :

One kick send PO away and he turned hybrid

The other kick was the higher up one that made PO yelling for his mom.

With that very little showing we didn't at all see RS Sanji full power
Don't worry, I'll see its full power against Queen. Oda will not use any opportunity to humiliate Sanji for sake of humiliating him.
Then who fights king
Marco or Zoro, that's always been the case. Sanji literally only has narrative ties to Queen and Jack. With Yamato having Momo and ties to the scabbards and likely that 10th person, chances are she takes on Jack. Queen and Sanji have a connection.

There is literally nothing thats going to cause Sanji to go out there and "take over Marco's fight" now. There are 2 fundamental reasons:

- Queen knows where Sanji is now and is missing this chapter

- Sanji wants to stop Jack from killing the Scabbards.
they were fighting some weaker randoms sure, but now they have to fight the much strong BM since sanji asked them to so he could run away
Cause she wants to as well. I mean she help fight off Big Mom early, why would she be afraid not to take on T6H? Again your logic doesn't make sense at all. Sanji can't hurt women and been fact for long time now. Own up to being wrong instead this pointless debate XD.
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