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Yeah when they where distrect or from range.
In the moment where Zoro was serious and Drake also, they easily defeat him.
Marco now stalling both for over 20-40mins(Boundman even last less) and he looking very fine for me in that drawing.
Cmon if Katakuri would perform the similiar feat me and you would wank him too. It isn´t fair to try to downplay Marco even though he not run away and fight in close combat both King and Queen. That is a massive hype to stall to Yonkou commanders at the same time. That need to be respected here for sure.
Katakuri would be hurting people not just evade
Also Katakuri wouldn't be getting overpower/pushed back while using awakening

Marco :
Usong hybrid
Still getting pushed back and hurt
Hasn't hurt King or kaido
Fighting long range against King/Queen.

Is this really impressive when Queen is busy shooting bullets? King shooting fire shots?
Both Calamities not using hybrid even

Oh yeah, Apoo held SNs as long Retainers vs Kaido
10 min or so.

Marco hasn't been fighting King and Queen for 50 min
Only this chapter
We didn't see him fight King and queen in chapter 1005
Anyways, very interesting turn of events here. Good to see that Perospero defeated the minks. If he sneaks Marco then Marco is losing this fight. 3v1 is too much.

I don't see him helping Marco tbh
I mean, in a ideal world yeah?!, here i see something more raw and real. And i like It.

Hes too old, still Fighting but theres consequences for his age and status right now.

I had trainer on gym that was very fat, but he was an spetacular one. As i had a fat nutricionist. Sounds very hipocrite right? Two Jobs that work with body and health but their looks sounds the complete oposite. And they still great on what they do, teach and give the right way." Do as i say but dont do what i do". See something Very familiar with hyogoro here.
Hey, maybe your trainer wifu likes some daddy buds! So not a way to sell it haha!

However if you told me, you go to a dentist who has bad breathe and teeth and does not brush his teeth! Then I surely will tell you to ditch that mofo Lol

See? Different cases here.
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