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You can't win
I'm very surprised the whole Pedro - Carrot - Perospero plot ended like this. I was sure the purpose of Perospero being here was him to ultimately get defeated by Carrot. Guess Perospero's 700 millions berry, dwarfing that of other veterans like Daifuku / Oven isn't for nothing ? I wonder where Oda is going with this though. Where is Wanda as well ? :choppawhat:
It was never said that Kidd used CoC while unconscious. All Kaido said was that Kidd has CoC. And even if he did use it unconsciously like Luffy, that would mean that his control of his conquerers haki is at a pretty high level. At this point in the story, this deep into new world no way Luffy’s rival conquerer in his generation doesn’t know how to actually use the power.

Luffy and Kidd vs Kaido and Big Mom will be the 4 way conquerers haki clash at the end of the fight or end of act 3. Watch
Oda set up Sanji's role pretty well this arc. From the first attempt at trying to save Momo

to then saving Momo from the execution

and then worrying about Momo after his encounter with King

Sanji knows how important Momo is for the Samurai. Momo is their entire hope of the new future.

King also knows how important Momo is, and knows if they kill him....they win the war.

Momo is one of the cards against Kaido. He is an important asset, and if the Beast Pirates get a hold of him....they win. This is a callback to Dressrosa when Nami told Sanji and Luffy, about the 3 cards they have against Doffy.

If they lose Momo, they lose their advantage against the Beast Pirates. Thus Sanji knows how important this is since he learnt it from DR. He will protect Momo with everything he got and make sure he doesnt fall into enemy hands.

With Sanji protecting Momo, I can see at the end of the arc Sanji getting a small reward with Hiyori

Anyways how I always saw it going was Sanji going to Kinemon, and Kinemon begging Sanji to protect Momo. This still may happen. Because I really want Kinemon and Sanji to share a moment this arc....
It's about holding onto hope thingy!
He should set an example to the yakuza bosses, and not give up easily just like any of them, even at old age!

It's a great way to set him apart! Especially as he is Luffy's tutor, and someone Kaido held at high respect, same for Oden
I mean, in a ideal world yeah?!, here i see something more raw and real. And i like It.

Hes too old, still Fighting but theres consequences for his age and status right now.

I had trainer on gym that was very fat, but he was an spetacular one. As i had a fat nutricionist. Sounds very hipocrite right? Two Jobs that work with body and health but their looks sounds the complete oposite. And they still great on what they do, teach and give the right way." Do as i say but dont do what i do". See something Very familiar with hyogoro here.
He was able to handle for long
It ook 5 chapters to take Apoo down
Because he run away, in chapter 995 he start to fight them both in same tiem:

And Chapter 997 Drake was fighting Apoo alone:

Then Zoro go serious and one shot him:

He didn´t face them in close combat over 3chapters, Marco now facing two Yonkou commander at the same time with less injuries and for over 20-40mins, isn´t that hype for you? Dealing with two commanders at once?
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