Hahaha... What? When did this happen?
wasn’t Sanji completely simping like an idiot in just Whiskey peak? Remember Luffy passed out from food, Usopp got tired from lying to everyone that he was cool, Nami pretended to pass out from drinking and Sanji he passed out from being too horny
This is the smooth talker you are talking about?
okay, Wouldn’t you count the Viola and Pudding stuff then? Does that count?
Hehehe,.. I mean I for one don’t he was a “smooth talker” but if you think so then the viola and Pudding are examples right?
Sanji was always horny, you don't get my point.... being a simp, and horny was part of him.... HOWEVER, he was ALSO a smooth talker... when he was talking to women, he was not creeping them out... We are talking about entirely two different things...
You are talking about being horny 24/7
I never argue that, I love that side of him
But at same time, he was getting what he wants from women... go and rewatch the ENDING of Nami's arlong arc.... and see how he celebrated with women... it's entirely different shit from current Sanji with women