I never said a supernova would verse a flying six because a worst gen member has to be at least yc3. Unless the raid fails then I only see it being sanji vs king drake vs queen Yamato vs Jack. That’s how I honestly see it.
unless there’s a round 2 which then I have it as
Zoro vs king
Sanji vs queen
Killer vs jack
Luffy Kidd drake law hawkins apoo against the yonko.
that’s how I see it only if the raid fails
I never said you, you weren't here when over the summer and for months after people were arguing the power levels of the F6 immensely, stating it was impossible for the Strawhats to fight them. Now that we are here, people are having the same discussions with the Calamities.
Tbh, I've always just been about this being much cleaner than expected, because Oda needs the crew to have defining fights that propel them into the endgame. If it doesn't happen here, it will make the crew vs Akainu/his military, Im/Gorosei, Blackbeard/Shanks and their crew all the more unrealistic.
- Ulti/P1 vs Nami/Usopp (happening at this point)
- Drake (onified) vs Chopper (this is a guess, I have no idea but he's the only F6 member near chopper and is consistently drawn with the rest of the Beast Pirates in promotional material, including Volume 97 and this color spread)
- Sasaki vs Franky (confirmed)
- Black Maria vs Robin/Brook (essentially confirmed unless Brook leaves)
- Whos Who vs Jinbe (essentially confirmed unless Brook changes with him, but IMO unlikely)
- Jack vs Yamato
- Queen vs Sanji
- King vs Zoro
- Kaido vs Luffy
In this way, it maintains the idea that the Strawhats will be the ones to take down every executive force in the crew. We already know 5 of the 10 beast Pirates are entirely tied to Luffy's crew. We have potential hints that Yamato is also a potential crew member, thus warranting a fight like Franky vs Fukuro back at Enies Lobby. At this point, those last 2 are heavily dependent on how the rooftop fights go.
I don't look at this color spread and see random villains, I see Strawhat villains because to be honest, thats how they feel to me:
I also need to be extremely clear here:
- I do not mind Zoro/Luffy vs Kaido only
- I do not mind Sanji vs King
- I do not mind Drake vs Queen
- I do not mind Chopper vs Numbers or Page 1 or anyone else
But the point is, it just "feels" unlikely because how things are already lining up with the F6 fights. We'll see what happens. I hold none of what I say as the truth, it just how I feel about these matchups. They seem entirely there for Luffy's crew.