Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Going back to the Chinese constellations, it would be cool if Zoro, Sanji, Yamato & Jimbei represented one of each.

Zoro - Azure Dragon (Oda gave his sword this fruit)
Sanji - Vermillion Bird (fuse with fiery bird)
Yamato - White Tiger (lots assume this is her fruit)
Jimbei - Black Tortoise (already a tank with water element)
Going back to the Chinese constellations, it would be cool if Zoro, Sanji, Yamato & Jimbei represented one of each.

Zoro - Azure Dragon (Oda gave his sword this fruit)
Sanji - Vermillion Bird (fuse with fiery bird)
Yamato - White Tiger (lots assume this is her fruit)
Jimbei - Black Tortoise (already a tank with water element)
This would be hype.:steef::steef:


Pepebusi Spammer
Going back to the Chinese constellations, it would be cool if Zoro, Sanji, Yamato & Jimbei represented one of each.

Zoro - Azure Dragon (Oda gave his sword this fruit)
Sanji - Vermillion Bird (fuse with fiery bird)
Yamato - White Tiger (lots assume this is her fruit)
Jimbei - Black Tortoise (already a tank with water element)
yeah by this logic, Yamato join Strawhats is pretty strong.
and what Luffy would be then??
How would that make him like Zoro ? Sanji has been set up to have a transformation since Thriller Bark. But I'm sorry.... only Zoro has rights to a transformation now ?

This whole Zoro 2.0 shit really urks me. Its one thing coming from Zoro fans/Sanji haters....but coming from Sanji fans as well is annoying as hell. Its like Sanji isnt allowed to be cool, or he will become a Zoro 2.0. Sanji isnt allowed to fight King...he has to fight someone goofy....or he will become a Zoro 2.0.

Now Sanji isnt allowed to have a transformation. Gimme a break lmao.
Well what's Ashura???
If not a kind of transformation? XDxD
Well what's Ashura???
If not a kind of transformation? XDxD
But why does only Zoro have rights to transformation. Luffy has like 5 transformations. Why isnt Sanji....Luffy 2.0. Why isnt Sanji......Chopper 2.0.

Is the Raid Suit not a transformation ? Im not saying Zoro doesnt have a transformation. Im saying Sanji getting a transformation wont make him anything like Zoro. Getting a transformation PU is just normal Shonen story telling.