Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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I’m sure that Fujitora will be an ally later. He will never fight for the rotten WG. My dream would be that he would be Zoros third teacher. Fuji is one of the best observation haki users while he’s blind and Zoro has one closed eye. There could be a future connection. Zoro will be one of the best armament and observation haki users out there. Mihawks Observation haki is insane too
this always bugs me tbh. after Wano Zoro wont be shamed offensively even if he is up against a Top Tier. Prime Zoro will likely have very few that can compete with him offensively. so Zoro is right on track for it. even if i agree that Zoro wont be absolute best CoO wise, his CoO still should be way better. his CoO leaves something to be desired. dont get me wrong, his CoO aint bad but its not exactly outstanding either, lets say compared to his Attack Power.

i was thinking: with Shiryu's portrayal it will be really weird of Oda to not make his invisible df bonkers. i mean if his df usage will be mediocre then whats the point of giving him a df? UNLESS Oda ultimately plans to make Shiryu not that impressive strength wise which will be really odd.
imo he will be awakened user so he will play dirty(goes well with BBP'S theme) in a fight with invisibility and maybe his fighting style has aspect of rain in it? hence his epithet??
maybe he spills blood like rain. imagine a bloody zoro like alabasta fight:steef:

Mr1 is one of my most fav Zoro fight due to zoro being bloody(i love bloody zoro:blush::blush:) and it not following a classic "weaker protag defeat a stronger enemy". Zoro wasnt exactly a weaker fighter there, he just didnt have the means to hurt MR1.
so i was thinking in Shiryu fight, Zoro wont be strictly a weaker swordsman. his main trouble will come from the gutter-minded fighting style of BBP and the invis df. my headcanon is that invis df will be somehow able to bypass CoO or hinders its use or make it harder to find him. it could be due to highlvl mastery of the df or awakening(imo it will be underwhelming if shiryu isnt awakened)

So in that fight Zoro will receive a big CoO buff.

cuz Oda cant sell me this shit no matter how much he try: "a guy who's original epithet is supposed to be Senrigan and currently has a epithet based on an animal that is known for its keen sight, will go down to a guy who isnt spectacular CoO wise" sorry i aint falling for that shit:kayneshrug:

also do i really have to spill out that, out of all the fighter we know in OP, this guy is the cleanest one like literary dude doesnt have single scratch on his body:catlewd::catlewd:.
call me crazy but to this day i have a hard time imagining someone right now in OPverse can land a hit on this guy. its not like i believe he is tiers above others or he is invincible or something infact its quite opposite. but its just the type of feeling i get from Mihawk, its like a vibe:catpole::catpole:
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These are the reasons why I think that Zoro will never give up Sandai. There is too much history behind it.
It has been with Zoro since ch97 and he acquired it with an epic scene.
And he always can feel that blade as pointed out during Aqua Laguna smokestack scene.

Whether he will acquire all 3 Kitetsus or not, idk, it is my wish as I think something special could come out of it.
It may not happen but I am having a hard time seeing Zoro replacing Kitetsus with their superior version just bcs they are higher grade.
Wado Ichimonji is in the way of 3 Kitetsus but just like Luffy will pass on his hat to someone, Zoro too may pass on or return Wado.
You're getting ganged on my man? Don't worry because I bring some good news! If EOS Zoro doesn't answer your Kitetsu fetish, his post-EOS self might, because in an SBS, Oda draws 60 years old Zoro who has a comment about Five Sword Style, so ye he might have more than 3 swords after EOS. Your Kitetsu dream goes beyond EOS my friend. :cheers:


Kitetsu Wanker
You're getting ganged on my man? Don't worry because I bring some good news! If EOS Zoro doesn't answer your Kitetsu fetish, his post-EOS self might, because in an SBS, Oda draws 60 years old Zoro who has a comment about Five Sword Style, so ye he might have more than 3 swords after EOS. Your Kitetsu dream goes beyond EOS my friend. :cheers:
We are just being playful, it's a long-time joke of me - the Kitetsu Wanker vs others. :milaugh:
There is hope for a full Kitetsu set even before the end of OP. :goyea:
I think Enma will stay because Zoro will turn it into a black blade and rise its rank. Maybe Tengu will melt Sandai and Nidai and forge a new sword from them. I’m sure Zoro will have black Enma and a black kitetsu. The number of Supreme grade swords will rise to 14. He will also turn Wado into a black blade but I think Wado will be the last one. Shusui has reached his potential with Ryuma but Enma hasn’t reached his potential with Oden
May be but I m still not a big fan of Enma, is too much relatable to his former owner to me
I never get the underestimation on zoro CoO to be honest. He was able to track down the miniscule dwarfs that stole his swords fast
The Candyboys think that Zoros is CoO is weak because he didn’t specialised on it during his training but it’s logical that as a swordsman he focused on CoA. That doesn’t mean that his CoO is weakest of the 3. I’m sure CoO wise he’s better than Sanji or at least on his lvl but CoA wise he’s faaaaar superior. I think Zoro will soon catch up to Luffys CoO.
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May be but I m still not a big fan of Enma, is too much relatable to his former owner to me
I see it just as a symbolic thing
I never get the underestimation on zoro CoO to be honest. He was able to track down the miniscule dwarfs that stole his swords fast
was it due to my post? if it is maybe u misunderstood me, if not then ignore me:josad:
now u r right he did a awesome job tracking down the dwarf, its a good feat.
now compare that to Ray's scanning a whole island and being able to count all the animal present and sort them based on strength:finally:
u will see Zoro's CoO(well tbh most ppl's CoO) feels meh when we are up against a feat like that. and judging by how casual Ray was during that flex, it likely wasnt even his limit. and it get crazier when we think that Ray likely wasnt/isnt the best CoO user in the series.
dont u think Zoro should also surpass Ray CoO wise too or at least be comparable? and come EOS, if Zoro is supposed to be on that lvl, then we better get some serious haki upgrade cuz i dont wanna wait another 20 yrs for the story to finish:catcry::catcry:
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Kitetsu Wanker
I never thought he’d give back shusui back apparently Oda thought that was ok
It has had a symbolic meaning that we didnt know off.
Shusui gets stolen - dark clouds gather above Wano.
Zoro brings Shusui back and vanquishes the dark clouds.

It is also the memento of their sword god.
It is also forged black by another person.
It has too many reasons not to stay with Zoro.

Kitetsus are the black sheep that nobody wants. Nobody except Zoro.
Nobody made history with them, Zoro will. They got no connection to any big name.
The Kitetsu curse may also have to do with Zoro's final power-up.
These are the reasons why I think that Zoro will never give up Sandai. There is too much history behind it.
It has been with Zoro since ch97 and he acquired it with an epic scene.
And he always can feel that blade as pointed out during Aqua Laguna smokestack scene.

Whether he will acquire all 3 Kitetsus or not, idk, it is my wish as I think something special could come out of it.
It may not happen but I am having a hard time seeing Zoro replacing Kitetsus with their superior version just bcs they are higher grade.
Wado Ichimonji is in the way of 3 Kitetsus but just like Luffy will pass on his hat to someone, Zoro too may pass on or return Wado.
It has had a symbolic meaning that we didnt know off.
Shusui gets stolen - dark clouds gather above Wano.
Zoro brings Shusui back and vanquishes the dark clouds.

It is also the memento of their sword god.
It is also forged black by another person.
It has too many reasons not to stay with Zoro.

Kitetsus are the black sheep that nobody wants. Nobody except Zoro.
Nobody made history with them, Zoro will. They got no connection to any big name.
The Kitetsu curse may also have to do with Zoro's final power-up.
yeah i agree if we dont see Zoro with 3 kitetsu then the question will always remain "what happens 1 person uses all 3 kitetsu at the same time?"
but my problem with this is the same that u mentioned, Wado is in the way.
and if anyone cares about my position about Enma: i am ok with it being a good sword BUT the way Oda is forcing his Oden and everything related to Oden down our throat, i dont like it:tchpepe:
i personally hate pro-nationalism in fiction and imo Oda isnt being subtle about it:pepeke:

so i decided NOT to take Wano seriously cuz be real, More Oden wank is coming that will make all the previous wank look cute.
now i am just sitting back and enjoying the shitfest of an arc:pepecorn:
I’m sure that Fujitora will be an ally later. He will never fight for the rotten WG. My dream would be that he would be Zoros third teacher. Fuji is one of the best observation haki users while he’s blind and Zoro has one closed eye. There could be a future connection. Zoro will be one of the best armament and observation haki users out there. Mihawks Observation haki is insane too
that's very insightful
was it due to my post? if it is maybe u misunderstood me, if not then ignore me:josad:
now u r right he did a awesome job tracking down the dwarf, its a good feat.
now compare that to Ray's scanning a whole island and being able to count all the animal present and sort them based on strength:finally:
u will see Zoro's CoO(well tbh most ppl's CoO) feels meh when we are up against a feat like that. and judging by how casual Ray was during that flex, it likely wasnt even his limit. and it get crazier when we think that Ray likely wasnt/isnt the best CoO user in the series.
dont u think Zoro should also surpass Ray CoO wise too or at least be comparable? and come EOS, if Zoro is supposed to be on that lvl, then we better get some serious haki upgrade cuz i dont wanna wait another 20 yrs for the story to finish:catcry::catcry:
no worries, i know you don't downplay zoro. :optimistic:
And zoro did some great observation feats. Just look at this


Kitetsu Wanker
Zoro's CoO feats are great, it is just that CoO in itself is close to useless in combat, unless you are Fujitora or Katakuri.
All the other characters are having pretty much the same CoO - you cant tell when it's ON and when it is OFF...
There are also the CoO feats from Alabasta, detecting inanimate objects which nobody else has ever done before.