Chapter Discussion Why Whitebeard didn't avenge Oden?

Imo Oda messed a bit with this stuff. I mean first we have Marco gave that message to Neko for Luffy then it is simply resolved in nothing to make Marco suddenly join then there is this other weird turn where WB, who was the WSM, went against the WG to free Ace and actually the one scared was the navy but now Oda instead forget that in order to not let WB come to Wano. He builded all this arc with Oden and some of the new points he made just couldn't fit well with the old ones so he tried to fit the old and the new but of course problems like this occurred (it is like woth the nonsense powerlevel jump Croco had from Alabasta to Impel down/Marineford, the only fitting explanation would have been that Impel down was a better training point than even Udon, the bigger the prison the best your training).
Come on guys is pointless to argue about it. The character of Whitebeard would have gathered an army and marched it to war without even thinking about it for a second, this is what happened at marineford, this is, or should have been, what happen when "someone dare to touch one of his sons". The excuse of "he was already dead", "many innocents would have died" can't stand when a war like marineford exist. Ace was basically already dead, there were way lower chances of success compared to a 1v1 vs an emperor and his army, and he knew that for sure he would have lost a huge amount of subordinates in that disperate act.
Oda messed bringing in Oden too late in the story and making him a friend with WB, probably the only way to get out from this corner was making WB and Oden arguing and fight for something before Oden leaved.

Imo Oda messed a bit with this stuff. I mean first we have Marco gave that message to Neko for Luffy then it is simply resolved in nothing to make Marco suddenly join then there is this other weird turn where WB, who was the WSM, went against the WG to free Ace and actually the one scared was the navy but now Oda instead forget that in order to not let WB come to Wano. He builded all this arc with Oden and some of the new points he made just couldn't fit well with the old ones so he tried to fit the old and the new but of course problems like this occurred (it is like woth the nonsense powerlevel jump Croco had from Alabasta to Impel down/Marineford, the only fitting explanation would have been that Impel down was a better training point than even Udon, the bigger the prison the best your training).
I still have to understand the purpose of that message from Marco... Couldn't he just say: "yes count me in" at this point?
Come on guys is pointless to argue about it. The character of Whitebeard would have gathered an army and marched it to war without even thinking about it for a second, this is what happened at marineford, this is, or should have been, what happen when "someone dare to touch one of his sons". The excuse of "he was already dead", "many innocents would have died" can't stand when a war like marineford exist. Ace was basically already dead, there were way lower chances of success compared to a 1v1 vs an emperor and his army, and he knew that for sure he would have lost a huge amount of subordinates in that disperate act.
Oda messed bringing in Oden too late in the story and making him a friend with WB, probably the only way to get out from this corner was making WB and Oden arguing and fight for something before Oden leaved.
Imo he would have played the amnesia card if he didn't already use it for Sabo (another example of conflicting points adjusted so so).


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Whitebeard couldn't have a spy like Marines too.....kaido with his crew went out of wano....he could have intercept kaido then too.....
That's fucking bullshit. There is no way news didn't spread around the world that Kaido took over Wano.

+ Another bullshit thing. "Sacrifices" Lmaoooo. It's not like he sacrificed his entire fleet for a suicide mission to save Ace. People will argue uhg ogh Ace was alive. Everyone with 80 IQ would understand that Whitebeard Pirates would be finished after that war even if they win.

Wano aKa isolated country.

Neko sailing goes brrrrrrrrr

Marco flying in with ease goes brrrrrrr

Oda literally fucked this situation. There is no rational explanation why WB never checked why Kaido is currently on Wano with his forces.
Whitebeard would have never ever left the life of maybe his most important subordinate not avenged and forgotted, imagine if doing so would have also led to leaving the land his "little brother" used to rule before joining his crew in the hands of Kaido and his family to an uncertain fate.
Contrary to what the people mad at Whitebeard think, the Ace and Oden situations were completely different, Ace could be potentially saved and was an active member of Whitebeard's crew who the Government intentionally used to goad Whitebeard. Oden was a former member who wanted to handle things on his own and decided to face the enemy that eventually killed him in a matter unrelated to WB.

There's even Thatch who was also another member of his crew and WB decided to hold back over abundance of precaution because he had a bad feeling, the idea that people think not taking revenge over Oden contradicts the way WB was depicted is simply mistaken.
Oden was already dead when they heard, and Whitebeard doesn't strike me as the vengeful type.
That said, even he must've known Wano's citizens and Oden's vassals were living in a horrible situation after Kaido took over.
To be fair though, he only really knew Inu, Neko and Izo beyond his first visit.
If anything it surprises me Izo never went back to Wano.
Oda messed up thats it, even roger was alive when Kaido was ruling wano. And after the voyage both WB and Roger had a meeting in wano(unconfirmed so the location will chsnge now).
wtf. It's simple. it's even been explained

Oded was dead, by the time he knew so no point going there but Ace was alive, and there was a possibility to save him.